Page 28 of Forbidden Heat

A pause, then, “I told you to follow my orders exactly. Get any cute ideas and I’ll be taking Haley to your funeral.”

My body starts to tremble. Cam’s never told me he’s in regular contact with my father. His funeral? What the hell is going on? Why is Dad answering Cameron’s calls and not mine?

“You’ll get the money. I told you not to thank me; I’m paying you for Haley. She’s mine now, Peter.” Pause. “You’ll speak to her when I allow it, and not before.”

My stomach rebels. I’m shaking so hard now I have to lean against the wall or I’ll fall over.

“That’s right, Peter.” He laughs, and it’s a bitter, sarcastic, awful sound. “I get your daughter, and you get to stay alive. For fifty million, I call it a bargain.”

I can’t bear to hear any more. I flee back to my room and yank on the first clothes I find. Stuffing a change of clothing in my carry-on, along with my purse and my phone, I slip from my room.

During my explorations of the house, I’ve discovered it has a back stairway that comes out in a supply closet near my room. A discreet way for staff to come and go during big parties, I guess. I duck in and hurry down it.

The house is quiet and dark, and by now I know my way around it. I also know where the keys are kept for all the cars in the garage.

I take the SUV. It’s the least flashy vehicle in there, and one Cameron doesn’t drive that often. I’ll mail him the keys once I’m away. Tears spring to my eyes at that thought, and I blink them away.

Thank goodness for key fobs and keyless ignitions. I find the controller for the garage door in the glove compartment, and move my seat forward so I can reach the pedals. I’m still trembling, but I manage to put the car in gear and roll down the long drive, headlights still dark.

Hysteria keeps threatening. Why did I never see this side of him? How could I have been taken in so completely?

It doesn’t make sense; none of it makes sense. Paying my father money for me and threatening his life? Why does he need to do that when I was willingly his?

But I know what I heard. Cam hates my father. How did he get my father to send me to him in the first place? More threats?

What did Dad say, that day he sent me away? I wouldn’t do this if I had a choice, Haley. Someday you’ll understand.

Someday. When I’m far from here. The big iron gates swing open, and I turn the headlights on as I hit the street.

Fortunately, the car has GPS, because I have no idea where I’m going. I ask for the airport and it plots in a course that feels vaguely familiar. Probably the reverse of the taxi ride that brought me here, what seems like a million years ago now.

I’m five minutes from the house when it hits me. I get your daughter, and you get to stay alive. Oh my god. Is he going to hurt them if I leave? I have to go back.

The next intersection is a traffic circle. I’m halfway through it when an SUV pulls out and cuts me off.

I slam on the brakes. Another vehicle rear-ends me.

I’m still recovering from the shock of that when my door is yanked open. The next moment, there’s a gun in my face.