Me: I think my toes already curled last night.

Liam: You’re hard to please Miss Bailey. How about this then…

Liam: I’m gonna do things to you that’ll have you coming at your desk as you relive them in your mind.

My face heats and job complete, because all his message did was make me remember what he did to me last night. The way he bent me over his bed with his hands on my breasts, his mouth trailing down my spine while he thrust in and out of me.


The phone fumbles out of my hand and bounces off my desk to my chair, landing with a thud on the floor.

Austin peeks in. “Do you have some time to chat?”

My older brother looks happy and tanned. But I guess most people would if they just got back from their honeymoon where they pretty much screwed every second of the day trying to make a baby. I imagine it’s like Christmas morning every day for those two.

“Yeah, come on in.” I bend down to pick up my phone and walk over to the couch he’s already sitting on. “How was the honeymoon?”

He nods. “Good. Relaxing. Had a great time.”

“That’s wonderful. Is Holly as tanned as you?” I smile.

“Not quite.” He chuckles. “She spent most of her time under the umbrella and took great pleasure in lecturing me about the risks of sun damage. She considers herself the expert since she grew up in Florida.”

“Well, she’s right.”

He rolls his eyes at me.

Never one to beat around the bush, especially with Austin, I get right to it. “I heard you’re trying for a baby.”

His head falls into his hands. “Seriously, the gossip in this town.” He looks at me a second later with obvious questions of his own. “I ran into Denver in town. We took Calista and Dion their souvenirs.”

I cross my legs and keep my phone tucked into my lap just in case Liam messages me. How can one twin be a vault and the other the exact opposite? “I told him if he told anyone that I’d put him on every dating site, saying he’s desperate for monogamy.”

He leans back and spreads his arms across the backs of the cushions. “Then I’d start downloading dating apps to your phone.”

I shake my head.

“Listen, I’m not here to tell you what to do. Before we left for the honeymoon, things were a little intense between you and Liam. I honestly worried one of you would be going to jail for assault. But Denver says when he’s allowed in the house, you guys seem cool with one another.”

If anyone understands taking the responsibility for your family at such a young age and how that can mess with your head, it’s Austin. We each did our part after our parents died. “I think I like him.”

He cocks his eyebrow. “You think?”

“Fine, I know I do.” My phone dings in my lap, and I grin.

“Is that him?” he asks.

I turn it over, see Liam’s name, and turn it back around, not reading the text yet. “Yeah.”

“From the smile on your face, I’d say things are better than cool between you two.”

Ever since Holly came into Austin’s life, we haven’t had many heart-to-hearts. Then again, she came as soon as the twins turned eighteen. Once he was no longer responsible for the day-to-day responsibilities of any of our siblings, his job was done. I’m the one who signed up for the forever job—being responsible for Bailey Timber Corp.

“Yeah. Though I’m sure it doesn’t make much sense to you.”

He smiles. “It makes sense.”

“He’s so easygoing.”