

It isn’t until Friday that I realize Liam never gave me a task for the week—when he told me this morning that he took off tomorrow and kicked Denver out for the night. He said tomorrow I’d get my fifth and final task. Since I’ll use any excuse I can to contact him these days, I pull out my phone at lunch and type him a text.

Me: You never gave me something to do for my week four.

The three dots appear so fast, I wonder if he was about to send me a text. It shouldn’t make me happy, but it does nonetheless.

Liam: You went with me to get donations for the auction, plus you were supposed to be pulling things out of the jar every day since last week. Did you not follow my directions, Miss Bailey?

Me: I did. Most days. But I probably have a few more to do.

I pulled one the other day that said to say hi to a stranger, and another today that said I was to have a meaningful conversation with an employee. I spent twenty minutes in the break room, talking with one of our employees about her adverse reaction to food smells. In the end, she told me she wanted to file a complaint about Phoenix. Not all of Liam’s ideas are stellar.

Over the last week, I’ve slept in Liam’s bed, eaten dinner with Liam, meditated with Liam. I even allowed him to run with me last night. He beat me though, so that’s never happening again.

Liam: Maybe I should replace them all with sex favors?

Even I know my smile is cheesy as my stomach quivers instead of flutters now. I’ve fallen for Liam Kelly—hard. Now it all has to come into place. I have two meetings next week, and if they sign to make us their lumber supplier, I’ll be ready to scream my feelings from the rooftops.

My mom always told me to imagine what you want, work hard, and it will come true. So I close my eyes and imagine that in less than a week, I’ll have turned Bailey Timber around and have a steady boyfriend.

My phone dings and interrupts the images in my head. Probably a good thing since they might have been going too far into the future anyway—what kind of ceremony we’d have, Liam carrying me over the threshold, and what our baby might look like. My eyes pop open. I’m almost horrified by how easily that came to mind.

Liam: Is that a no?

Liam: Can’t handle it? ;)

Me: Sorry, I was lost in thought for a second.

Liam: I hope it was about me.

Me: I can’t lie, you are what the majority of my thoughts consist of nowadays.

Liam: I’m smiling so wide I look like a goon.

Me: Good.

Liam: Tell me you’ll be in my bed when I get home…

Me: I guess you’ll find out. :P

There’s a long pause. I assume he got pulled away by a customer, so I place my phone down, but it dings before I can continue eating my lunch.

Liam: Here’s your task:

Liam: Be naked in bed when I arrive home.

Liam: Have whipped cream and chocolate sauce next to the bed.

Liam: Don’t forget the cherries. I LOVE cherries.

I put the phone face-down on my desk and laugh so loudly, my assistant, Samara, peeks through my glass office door. I wave her off, and one last giggle escapes as I pick up my phone.

Me: Why don’t I just pick up a maid’s outfit? All of this is very cliché. I would’ve assumed you had more original ideas.

Liam: We have to start with cliché. Don’t worry your sweet lil ass, babe, there are things I’m gonna do to you that will make your toes curl.