“I would’ve joined you if I knew you were coming.” She looks at my plate.
There are things I would never keep from my siblings, but this one is between Liam and me. “I wanted to eat by myself. What are you guys doing here?”
Juno rolls her eyes. “Denver’s dragging us out to Sunrise Bay. Some new bar opened up. He said he needs a wingman.”
“And you are the two for the job?”
Juno shrugs and looks at Colton.
He answers, “Guess so.”
“Wanna come?” Juno asks, sitting straight up as if she just had the most brilliant idea.
I shake my head. “No.”
“Come on. It’ll be so much fun. Colton is supposed to be Denver’s wingman, and we can be each other’s.”
“Why are you going if Colton is Denver’s wingman?”
She shrugs. “Colton asked me to go.”
“I’m not sure you guys understand the meaning of the word.” I want to scream at them to just date one another, but they both swear they only have platonic feelings for each other.
I said that once about Liam. Lies. All lies.
“Come on,” Juno whines. “I haven’t seen you in, like, two weeks. What’ve you and Liam being doing? There have been no reports on Buzz Wheel or anything.”
“I’ve been swamped at work.”
Her face lights up as if she just remembered something. “Grandma Dori is finally moving out!”
I’m surprised. I would’ve thought she’d be there until my place was fixed and she lost her leverage to keep me at Liam’s. “What made that happen?”
“She started the oven and the magazine articles I’d tossed in there filled my place with smoke. She said she can’t fix me and she’s out.”
Colton and I laugh. Few could live with Juno. Kingston can, but he’s barely in town for half of the year because of his job.
“That’s good news for you.”
She smiles and nods. “One hundred percent. Bad news for you though—rumor has it that Ethel’s on the hunt for you. You’ve missed two knitting classes.”
Shit. I completely forgot to ask Samara to cancel those lessons.
“I have no idea how I forgot.” I lean back in the booth and cross my arms.
“Well, you know Ethel. She’ll figure out a way to punish you,” Colton says.
“Are you guys nailing each other?”
Juno’s question throws me for a moment. “What?”
“You and Liam. Come on, Sav. Your behavior has all the ‘I just started screwing someone’ signs. I haven’t seen you in weeks. You’re skipping out on your commitments.”
“Knitting class is hardly a commitment. I’m not even paying her.”
“Still. This is like high school, when the girl gets a boyfriend and stops talking to her friends because she spends all her time with said boyfriend.”
Colton stands. “This sounds like a sibling thing. I’ll be over there.” He sits at the counter and pulls out his phone.