I lean in across the table. “Well, I’m not doing anything with Liam.”

“Why not?”

“Juno, can we all just stick to our own business?”

She rolls her eyes and slides out of the booth. “Not sure why you’re here alone when you have a hot guy down the street who clearly wants you. I always thought you were the smartest Bailey. Have a fun night with your vibrator.”

She collects Colton and leaves. Too bad she missed me flipping her the bird. She’s so snarky when it comes to Liam and me.

It takes me a minute, but I realize that Juno is kind of right. Why am I fighting this? Liam and I are obviously attracted to one another. We can take it slow and see where it goes. Maybe it will fizzle out as quickly as it ignited.

With Liam’s help, I’m getting better at taking things as they come, without any guarantees. I think back to the motorcycle ride, the different tasks scribbled on colorful paper that he’s had me do all week, and the journal and meditation. Mostly I think about that little girl, Paisley, and what she said about everyone doubting that I could successfully run the company. It wasn’t like I didn’t know that at the time, but did I care? No. I wasn’t scared stiff by failure back then, so why am I now? Maybe things with Liam will be amazing, and maybe they won’t. But either way, I’ve already been through one of the most painful, life-altering crises a person can go through and survived.

The waitress comes over to take my empty milkshake glass.

I turn in her direction. “Can I please get a piece of blueberry pie?”

“A la mode?”

“No. Just plain. To-go.”

She smiles and disappears behind the counter.

Should I think this over some more? Weigh the pros and cons?

My phone dings in my purse, and I pull it out.

Liam: Why do I feel oddly competitive with pie tonight?

I laugh.

Me: Not sure how to respond to that.

Liam: Are you dodging my question? I’m not going to be able to concentrate. Tell me you didn’t orgasm from pie.

Me: I didn’t orgasm from pie.

Liam: Phew. That’s good to hear. My last client canceled so I’ll be home a little earlier. You know in case you wanted to greet me naked on my bed. No complaints here.

The waitress brings the pie over, and my phone vibrates in my hand.

Liam: That was a joke. Kind of. I mean I’ll fully support you naked on my bed if you feel strongly about it, but I know we’re supposed to have this line drawn in the sand so you can wear lingerie in my bed, too. Your choice. ;)

I laugh again.

The waitress catches my eye. “The ones who make you laugh are always the keepers.”

I tuck my phone into my purse, slide out of the booth, and grab the pie. “You’re right about that. Thank you so much.” I hand her some money. “Keep the change.”

“Don’t try too many of those positions. You want to be able to walk in the morning.”

My face heats up as I turn back to see her grinning.

Okay, Liam, be careful what you wish for, because your wish is about to be granted.