"If it means I can drive that amazing car again, I'm in."


"What other cars do you have?" she asked.

"A Mercedes-Benz and a BMW."

She stood and stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. "Wow. Nice. Still, I think I’ll stick with the sports car.”

Eli laughed, and Miss jumped down from his chest. She flicked her tail from side to side, a sign she was highly annoyed.

"Aww, Missy Moo," Holly cooed. "Did the big, bad man scare you, sweet girl?"

Miss lifted her paw and began to groom herself, ignoring Holly completely.

Damn. Maybe her catwasfirmly on Team Eli.

"Sorry, Miss," he said, sitting up. "I didn't mean it."

"Oh well. I'm going to go have the leftover smoothie and oatmeal," Holly told him. "What time do you want to leave? I still have to shower."

"Half an hour?"

"That works."

She scooped up Miss, and the cat immediately put her paw against Holly's nose.

"For future reference, this is what's known as ‘talk to the paw’ in Miss-speak."

"Noted." He laced his hands behind his head. "Where are you taking my fuzzy buddy?"

"Back to my room. I don't want her roaming around the condo without supervision. She likes to do weird stuff like chew on plastic bags, and that's not good for cats."

He reached out and playfully tickled Miss's foot. "Remember, Miss, you're Team Eli from here on out, okay?"

Holly smirked as she left the room. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

* * *

After dropping Eli off at the Kingsnakes practice facility and getting nasty glares from a few women waiting for him near the entrance, Holly spent a half hour driving around the city, enjoying the raw power of the sleek yellow sports car. She sped down a few side streets and blasted the stereo as she cruised along, singing at the top of her lungs.

It was the most fun she'd had driving in ages. Relying on an undependable clunker to get her around town had killed her enthusiasm for being behind the wheel.

She went to a bookstore to browse for a while before sitting down at the coffee shop to work on questions for the feature. By the time her phone beeped with a text, two hours had passed.

Eli:Hey, Wilkes. We're finished here. Come pick me up, and we can go somewhere to eat.

Holly:K. Be there in ten.

She dumped the remnants of her iced coffee into the trash, slid the laptop into her backpack, and hurried outside.

A group of men in their early twenties crowded around the sports car, admiring the vehicle and peering into the windows.

Holly pressed the key fob so the beep got their attention, but she didn't unlock the car.

The group looked up at her as she walked toward them.

"Is this your car?" A tall guy in a black baseball hat who appeared to be their ringleader gave her a thorough once-over. "Hot girl drives a hot car. What the hell do you do to be able to afford a vehicle like this?" He smirked. "Orwhodo you do?"