"We're in here," Eli called from the living room.

She turned the corner and found Eli stretched out on the wraparound couch. A content and happy Miss cuddled on his chest, snoozing away. She woke, peered up at Holly, and gave an exaggerated yawn.

"What's going on here?" Holly asked, putting her hands on her hips. Miss never cuddled with anyone but her. Not even with Penn.

"We're watching the morning news, right, kitty?"

Miss closed her eyes and settled back down on Eli's chest.

Holly rubbed her forehead. "I know, but how did this happen?

"I heard her meowing about two hours ago, so I fed her, but she kept crying. I let her out, and she followed me in here. Now, we're hanging out."

He scratched Miss's chin, and she lifted her head, blissing out from the attention.

Huh. What a little hussy. Apparently neither of the Wilkes women were immune to Eli Donnelley's charms.

"So I see," Holly said, trying to hide a smile. "How much did she eat?"

"Uh, I gave her one of those things in the fridge. I figured that was a serving."

"You figured right." Holly took a seat on the couch. "She likes you."

"Of course she does," he said with a grin. "What's not to like?"

Holly rolled her eyes. "You seem back to your old self today."

"I am. I slept well, aside from your snoring."

"I donotsnore!

"Keep telling yourself that, doll. But you totally do. You look like an angel when you're sleeping, but that foghorn sound..."

Holly picked up a throw pillow and held it above her head. "If my cat wasn't on your chest right now, I would bop you over the head with this thing. And trust me, I have excellent aim."

Miss lifted her head and gave Holly the stink eye, then let out an aggravated mew.

"She's switched teams, Wilkes. She's now firmly on Team Eli." He scratched Miss's ears, and the calico went back to her blissed out state. "Hey, can cats wear those little jerseys like dogs do? I should get her one with my name and number on the back."

"My cat is not wearing your jersey," Holly muttered, flopping back on the couch. "Forget it."

"I'm not sure if you're hungry, but there's oatmeal on the stove, and I doubled the ingredients of my smoothie this morning. I put the rest in the fridge for you."

"Oh," Holly said, raising her eyebrows. "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do after last night."

"There's no weird stuff in the smoothie, is there?"

"Nope. Strawberries, bananas, protein powder, milk, and some spinach and kale. It mostly tastes like strawberries and bananas, though. You can't taste the veggies."

"Nice. I think I'll have some." She paused. "Don't you have practice this morning? It's getting kinda late."

"Yeah." He sighed heavily. "I'd rather just go back to sleep, though."

"Should we schedule a dinner interview for tonight since we didn't do it last night?"

"What about lunch instead? If you don't mind dropping me off at the practice facility, we can grab something somewhere. Then you can take me to pick up my SUV. I remember where I left it."