“Still doesn’t explain why you kissed me when consuming your blood would’ve been just as effective without it,” I demanded, angry.

Angry mostly at myself for thinking the kiss meant anything and being disappointed when it was obvious didn’t. Angry that even in spite of all that, I wanted to feel it again. Angry that no matter how clever or strong-willed I thought I was, at the end of the day, I was still stupid and attracted to an asshole who didn’t care about me.

“I doubt you would’ve drunk my blood if I asked,” he countered, and I couldn’t argue otherwise.

Had he up and showed his wrist like some vampire in a movie and told me to drink his blood, I would’ve hog-tied the asshole and called on Grams, sure he’d lost his damn mind.

He peered down at me with his lips lifted. “A kiss seemed the most effective and unsuspecting way to do it. Besides, your lips tasted like pure debauchery.”

“You really should know when to keep your mouth shut,” I complained, fighting my own body’s reaction to his sultry admission.

I didn’t have time for bad choices, and Phillip was the worst decision I could ever make. It was better to stay focused on our objective to implode the Organization from within. Anything else was a waste of time.

I stole a look at the phone on the table, one that wasn’t mine. Phillip ditched my other one so I couldn’t be tracked while I transitioned.

Now I had no way of knowing if Nigel ever read my texts. I couldn’t even reach out to him anymore if I wanted to. Phillip made damn sure the werewolf’s contact information was cleared on the new one. But then again, after all I learned about myself, he’d done us both a favor. I didn’t deserve to be with anyone.

I was a curse on a happy life the way I was.

“If you ever need to, you know, get a piercing or tattoo, or maybe lose something...important, then I’d be happy to help.”

“I’m good,” I rejected, monotone. “Call me crazy, but I don’t want to be vulnerable around anyone. Not for a second. No piercing or otherwise is worth it.”

Phillip leaned back on his hands and stared up at the ceiling. “Sex is definitely worth it. I wouldn’t pass it up if I were you. And you should know, I’m pretty good at it.”

“Not interested. Besides, it’s gross for you to say that to an underaged girl when you’re basically a grandpa,” I mocked, knowing the word would do unspeakable damage to the Austrian.

His face twisted, and then he was directly in front of me, expressive eyes forcing me to stall. “You’re nearly eighteen. It’s not a bad idea to learn the art of using your body. I could teach you things that would incapacitate any man or woman in your bed. May come in handy one day.”

“Are you suggesting I learn how to use sex to overpower someone on a mission?”

Phillip’s smile was answer enough. Instead of saying anything, he tucked hair behind my ear and blew me a kiss before heading for the door.

When it was safe, I let loose a shaky breath. Even though breathing was unnecessary, I still did it out of habit. It worked more in my favor if I continued it, anyway. Less people would suspect me if I acted human.

Rising from the bed, I grabbed my things and followed the Austrian out to his car. We’d train a bit tonight to help reintroduce me to my new upgraded speed and strength with weaponry, then it was back to normal life tomorrow.


“YOU FEELING BETTER?” Kate asked as I shoved a few books into my bag.

Her dirty blonde hair was drawn up into two messy buns and she was dressed in some seriously badass goth boots over fishnets. With her t-shirt tucked into shorts, she was styled to look outright adorable. I especially loved her bright pink eyeshadow and shimmery lip gloss.

Very punk rock of her.

I always admired how pretty she was without trying, or how her personal style changed with the wind. The girl could rock anything she wore, and no one thought she was weird for it. Or maybe they did, but she didn’t care.

“Don’t know why I asked. You’re practically glowing. Something’s different about you.” She hummed to herself as I continued to pack my stuff slowly, painfully conscious of my new speed. “Oh. My. God. You didn’t, did you? Okay, but with who? Did—did Nigel come back?”

Just outright confused now, I jerked my eyes over to her. “Speak in full sentences, Kate. I’m having trouble following here.”

She leaned towards me and suspiciously lowered her voice. “Did you have sex? Did you and Nigel make up?”

The sweet girl didn’t even know how much it hurt to be asked, but I offered her a gentle smile and shook my head. “Nope. Haven’t heard from him. And also, no to your other accusation.”

Pouting, Kate slumped and stole a look at the front, where Phillip was talking to a few students. “What about Mr. Smith?”

“What about him?”