“Ever wonder what it’d be like to be on top of him?”

My backpack fell to the floor with a loud thud, and I rushed to pick up the books and papers that had scattered across the floor. Controlling my speed wasn’t easy, so I had to slow down to the point where it looked like I was just lazy and didn’t want to do it.

When I looked up, Phillip was already peering over at us. He was like me and had excellent hearing. I couldn’t even hope he hadn’t heard her question. The lift in his mouth said he was definitely amused, and I internally cursed my friend who didn’t know any better.

“Not even a little bit,” I said, my stare purposefully aimed at the Austrian.

His smile never wavered, and when he winked, it took every bit of willpower in me not to flip the bastard off. But Kate’s eyes were on me, and it wouldn’t go unnoticed.

Kate knelt down and helped collect a few of the remaining papers. “It’s just too bad that Daxon moved. He was nice to look at, you know? I wonder why his family just up and left like that.”

The Organization spun a tale of a sudden move. Daxon’s father had been in the Army, so it was easy enough to do. Sudden deployment worked in our favor, and the rest of the details were handled the same way we did any death.

We had several hundred Hunters employed in positions within all the governments and police forces of the world. It never posed a problem to fabricate a story or hide a sudden death.

But his and his family’s death stayed with me. It haunted my thoughts whenever I was given a free moment. If not for me, Daxon and his family may still be alive.

The guilt was a poison, so I tore myself away from it and threw my bag over my shoulder.

“V, stay after class. I’d like to discuss the letter of recommendation you wanted me to write.”

Letter of recommendation, my ass. Way to make me sound like a real uppity asshole, Phil.

The students buzzing around Phillip dispersed, and Kate waved at me before leaving. Taking calculated steps to the door, Phillip gave us our privacy by closing it. I ignored the way my pulse thrummed in my ears with the subtle once-over the vampire hunter gave me.

“How are you feeling?”

Surprised by the question, I tilted my head. “How do you mean?”

“No desire to ravage your classmates?”

“Are you actually asking me that?”

Phillip took a couple of steps my direction. “It’s happened before. In some cases, Hunters preyed on humans because the scent of their blood is a natural lure with ouraffliction.”

“And you’re just mentioning this now?” I demanded.

Phillip shrugged. “I would’ve intervened.”

“Oh, how kind of you,” I retorted sarcastically. “Well, lucky for you, I don’t have any such inclinations.”

“Then tonight I’m taking you out.” Phillip’s smile made me instantly uncomfortable. “Make sure you wear something sexy.”

“You and I both know I own nothing even remotely close to that word.”

“Guess we’ll have to go shopping beforehand,” he mused, shouldering his messenger bag. “Not going to lie, I’m a little excited about dressing you up.”

I shuddered visibly. “I’m good. Why do I need to dress up, anyway?”

“You’ll see,” was all he said in cryptic reply before leaving me alone in the classroom.