So, I talked to Serena more than anyone who wasn't Aidan. It suited me better that she wasn't much of a talker to begin with. We mostly discussed our favorite kills and weapons. It rarely ventured into anything else that wasn't the job, and I genuinely enjoyed talking fighting specifics with her. And I preferred her over everyone else on days that Aidan annoyed the shit out of me.

Somehow over the years, Aidan maintained his hopeless optimism, convinced that one day I'd discover my softer, more empathetic side; that one day I'd turn over a new leaf and give every person a hug or some shit. Really, I didn't understand Aidan at all. He saw the good in everyone, even when it didn't exist.

A few months ago, Aidan moved my stuff into his room and Ty into my previous one. His reasoning? I'd gone out without his permission one too many times, so staying in a room with him was my punishment. And that was it. Roommates. Center of circulating rumors that never faded. As if it'd always been that way, we made it work and no one questioned it.

It was interesting how little it bothered me to stay with him, but I also didn't really see Aidan in a sexual way. He was more of a brother than a potential lover. If I was honest, more like a father. But the word "father" I unfortunately associated with a number of terrible feelings and experiences, so I never used it for anyone I cared about.

Least of all when talking about Aidan.

As I looked up to finally give into his request, I was no longer next to Aidan on my bed. I was out on a street, rain coming down in sheets, sky thundering and sparking electricity. My clothes were instantly soaked all the way to my underwear. My hair flattened in seconds and stuck to my skin, completely wet and weighed down by the water pouring over it.

I tasted cool, refreshing moisture on my lips. Licking it away, I blinked to try to see through the heavy sprays of water. People passed, running with umbrellas, their suitcases, their coats, really anything they could hold over them in hopes of escaping the relentless rain of the storm. And thenhewas there, in his suit, soaked within seconds the way I was.

Dirty blonde locks darkened and molded to Nova's face, framing its masculine structure. Bright green eyes gleamed, carrying their own light like always. The unfamiliar suit the demon wore, probably just as expensive as the last, was already soaked from the shoulders down.

A loud clap of thunder roared across the sky before the world was illuminated by several streaks of lightning. In nothing but light, Nova's figure was beautiful. Hauntingly so, much like the electric veins moving across the sky.

It didn't make sense, but I'd missed him.

Staring at the demon, I tried to understand what was happening and how I'd come to this place. It was a different part of the city at a simple glance. It was miles from Aidan's condo. Of course, it was the heart of the city, so heavily trafficked at this hour of the evening. Still, it didn't explain how I'd gotten here or for what reason, but like before, I barely moved.

Nova took a step forward, removing his suit jacket and letting the heavy fabric fall to the floor. "Come fight beside me, Lady."

His perfect torso was exposed in a white shirt, completely soaked through by rain. It reignited the flame of lust I’d only just smothered out before arriving here. And as Nova worked the buttons of his shirt loose in the middle of a crowded boulevard, no one around us seemed to acknowledge the indecent act.

So, a dream? It would have to be because nothing else made sense. Still, the feeling of the rain on my skin and the harsh caress of wind against my body were more real than any dream I'd ever experienced.

I opened my mouth, but it was as if I lost the ability to speak. Instead, I failed to say anything before the demon was in front of me, hands already wrapped tightly around my throat.

It was the very thing I'd yearned for since earlier that evening, and the sudden rush of relief that took hold of me, in both body and mind, quieted the confusion and uncertainty of being transported to wherever the fuck this was.

A sigh escaped my lips before, right there in the middle of a storm, I was kissed by a demon for the second time that evening.


Welcome Wagon

A SHOWER OF WARM RAIN washed over us, and Nova's hold around my throat tightened. I gasped into his mouth before the demon's tongue swept out and tangled with mine. Water collected in every place our bodies touched as our mouths fought for dominance. Nova never wavered. His kiss never stopped. And before I knew it, I was flipped around with his body pressed into mine from behind.

People ran in slow motion through the storm, water splashing up around them and falling from the sky, but they never looked our way. Each bead fell like glimmering jewels before crashing onto whatever broke their fall. Neon lights beamed an eerie glow, obscured by the heavy curtains of water, and the flicker drew my eyes before Nova's hold around my neck brought attention back to the demon I'd been captured by.

“Lady…” His devilishly deep baritone rumbled against my back. And as I succumbed to the sound of his voice, my head tilting back, lightning cracked and shot across the sky. The breath I started to take in was cut off by teeth teasing the shell of my ear. "Give yourself to me."

I couldn’t stop the trembling in my body, no matter how hard I tried. Then my knees buckled and the arm around my ribs was the only thing keeping me upright. His hold on me was so strong it veered on punishing.

"Give in."

And I wanted to.

Every part of me wanted to surrender to him. Bit by bit, I gave in. Surrendered. Handed myself over to him. All my integrity, all my morals, they no longer mattered when Nova was nearby.

Nova's mouth trailed along the curve of my neck and shoulder after he tore away the entirely soaked fabric of my shirt. Like he'd taken a blade to it, the shirt ripped all the way to my chest, exposing my black-lace bra. His hand took my breast's shape, teasing a finger under the wire before fleeing down my stomach. His other hand never left my neck. It was his place of power, the hand around my throat. But for some reason, it didn't bother me that it was.

I tasted endless moisture from my lips, gasping and panting and waiting. Waiting for what the demon would do next. Waiting for what pleasure he may bring. Waiting when I should be fighting. In view of so many strangers, I should've been mortified, but I wasn't. Not even a little bit.

I wanted more.

His large hand stroked the front of my neck while his lips and teeth serenaded my bare neck and shoulder. His hips rocked forward, pushing from behind, and I took hold of his thigh to anchor myself to him—to this moment between us. Fingers caressed my skin before his large hand sunk into the space between my thighs, moving underneath heavily saturated denim. His fingers swept across the place I was already wet for him, and I couldn't help but moan in relief.