Page 10 of Lady of Hell & Fury

"Fight beside me," the demon entreated in a silky-smooth tone. "I only want you, Lady. No one else will do."

His fingers sunk inside of me, sliding in and out, and my legs shook beneath me. The stimulation was otherworldly, and now nothing would ever compare. Sex with human men would never be enough.

He’d ruined sex for me.

"Why?" I finally managed, a wanting moan sitting in my throat.

The hand around my neck squeezed tighter, and the sound leaving my mouth was tainted by its power. "You're the key. You're the difference between winning and losing." His heavily accented baritone tickled my ears. "And I will have you."

Nova's fingers moved quicker, slamming into me with violence, and it was only because of his other arm I was able to stay upright. My head lolled back and I moaned with my mouth closed, swiveling my hips to chase the pleasure the demon's fingers gave me.

If I could've fought him, I would have. But giving in felt so good. I didn't mind that it meant I was falling deeper into his trap; that I'd sold my soul to the Devil. It may go against everything I stood for—not that I stood for much—but the sweet taste of euphoria was worth the price of my soul.

As my eyes lifted to meet Nova's gorgeous green ones, the pleasure in my hips reached its peak and I came right there, out in the open, in front of humans who didn't see either one of us. In this illusion or dream or whatever the fuck it was, I succumbed to the greatest sin I could’ve.

"Who are you, really?" I whispered, pleasantly numb and satisfied.

Could this really be a dream when everything feels so real?

Nova's smile was disarming as he lifted the hand he fucked me with and licked each finger clean. "Someone who's desperate to have you."

Then I was back, sat on my bed next to Aidan, hands inside his and completely absent of the residual pleasure and numb tingles that I experienced only a second ago. Not to mention, I was completely dry and dressed. There was nothing left to suggest I'd been spirited away to a sinful and terrifyingly voyeuristic fantasy.

Aidan stared at me, clearly mystified by the emotion on my face as I panned the room, forever confused. "You're not acting like yourself, Lady. Maybe you need to take a little break from demon hunting."

Any other time and I'd fight him about it. But not this time. Not after two separate fantasy events. Not when I wasn't sure if I was losing my mind or dealing with a frighteningly powerful dream demon.


The things Nova could be were endless, and it worried me how quickly I was won over each time.

I licked my lips and flicked my eyes over to Aidan, who offered me a kind but concerned look. "Maybe you're right."

He held onto my hands tighter when I tried to take them away. "Is this anything to do with that demon you mentioned? Have you been having trouble lately?"

I stared at my only true friend, not sure if I should tell him.

Aidan would never judge me. The beautiful jerk was quite literally the only person I trusted, and I wanted to make sense of what was happening. Maybe there was something in his how-to guides to give us some insight. Maybe the demon was different from what we'd dealt with. Maybe I wasn't going crazy. The trouble was that I'd have to disclose every single detail. Like the fact that I gave in so readily and let the demon have me on a rooftop, and then in the middle of a busy street.

I wasn't sure if I could admit that to Aidan just yet.

It wasn't often I felt guilt or shame over my actions, but I did when it came to what I'd done with the demon. It proved I was still weak, still human, and I didn't want to admit that notion out loud, least of all to Aidan. I didn't want him to think less of me.

"I'm just tired," I finally said.

Aidan hummed low in his throat before nodding. "You know what, me too. I could use some leisure time away. Let's go somewhere. Lady's choice."

I sighed, eyeing the bastard as he snickered over his double entendre. "That gets less and less clever every time you use it."

"Cheeky shit," the demon hunter whispered, giggling. "So, where should we go? Ty can watch things here for a bit. You and me, we're going to have some fun somewhere expensive and super luxurious."

"Just nowhere sunny or happy, Aidan. I'm not going to be bought and sold on your idea of a tropical adventure."

Unfortunately, my mood was improving with Aidan's ridiculous antics, and the bastard had already gotten a small smile out of me.

Only he ever could.

"Hmm, so the Caribbean is out. And here I was really looking forward to swimming in the ocean with you looking like a block of snow in clear water."