Page 4 of The Fall Out

Wren bumped her with an elbow. “He means Dragon here.” She patted my hand.

On instinct, I yanked it away. The chick didn’t need to touch me. Over twenty types of bacteria lived on the human palm, and I didn’t need to add hers to the ones that already resided on mine.

“Don’t be offended.” Emerson chuckled. “The dude’s a total germophobe.”

He might be the worst wingman in the history of wingmen. I didn’t give a flying fuck about either of these women, but their friend? My gut tightened at just the idea of her. So I would appreciate it if he didn’t make me look like a total douche canoe.

But the redhead’s face lit up like my aversion to bacteria was the best news she’d heard all week. “What a coincidence, since our girl’s a doctor.”

“That’s debatable, Jana.” Wren tipped her head back and forth, as if weighing the idea, her dark hair dancing over her shoulders.

How was being a doctor debatable?

“But it seems Dragon is more of an acquired taste. Something you savoroncerather than repeatedly like your go-to drink.”

“Exactly.” Emerson tipped his bottle at the dark-haired beauty. “You and me, we speak the same language.”

She laughed, batting her long lashes, and my friend leaned in and whispered in her ear. The guy was a total man whore. He should havebeen wearing a sign that saidlock up your sisters and daughters. I didn’t do the bar thing often, and I rarely hooked up with random women. Hadn’t in years. But Emerson? People loved the happy third baseman, so he had new women laughing in his ear practically every day.

“Hot but an asshole.” Jana clapped her hands and held them in a prayer position in front of her chin. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

The women turned to one another, wearing matching smirks, then looked at me once more.

“We’re totally going to bail. Take care of our girl.” Jana blew me an air kiss, grabbed her purse from the tabletop, and sauntered toward the exit without looking back.

“Come on.” Wren yanked on Emerson’s hand.

The guy shrugged and followed behind her like the puppy dog he was.

I shook my head. If he ended up back at our place with both of them and they kept me up all night, he’d be out on his ass and searching for a new apartment.

“They left?”

I spun at the sound of the soft voice behind me. She’d come back. Maybe this night wouldn’t be a total disaster after all.

As she stepped up beside me, she had her lips pressed together and she was scanning the bar. While she assessed our surroundings, I drank her in, studying the path my lips wanted to take: The swell of her tits against the blue fabric. The flat stomach exposed by her crop top. And the belly button I wanted to sink my tongue into.

Before she thought I was a creeper, I forced myself to meet her eye. “Let me buy you a drink?”

The long pause that was her response left me in knots.

They left?

Mr. Tall, Dark, and Broody had asked me a question, but I wasn’t focused on his words. Jana and Wren were wild cards. I probably shouldn’t have left the table, but I figured they’d pair off with the guys, and I could slip away. I’d head home, snuggle up on my comfy couch, and watch a cheesy Hallmark movie. That’s how I typically ended nights out. So why was the better-looking of the guys still at this table when everyone else was gone?

I swallowed thickly and turned to the broody man beside me. “What did they say to you?”

Did they tell him he should fuck the bad boyfriend vibes out of me? I mean, how possible was that? Like if he hit the right angle, would they shoot out of my ear or something?

He cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes on me. “Just that they were leaving and I was supposed to make sure you got home.”

I pressed my lips together and bit down on them. Neither Wren nor Jana would worry about me getting home. Not only did I live practically around the corner, but they weren’t the type to have those thoughts. Neither would even pause before following a rank stranger down a dark alley alone, and I couldn’t count how many times I’d yelled at them for leaving their drinks totally unattended.

“I highly doubt that.” I cocked a brow at the big, hot liar.

His dark eyes tracked over my face, and he pulled a quick breath in through his nose. “They told me to take care of you.” Ah. That made more sense. “I assumed that meant get you home safe.”

I shrugged. “Normal people would assume that. But my friends are insane, so to them, that meant make sure I have multiple orgasms.”