Page 5 of The Fall Out

The man in front of me choked on a cough, like my statement had shocked him. We were at a bar on a Saturday night. What did he think people were doing here? Personally, I wasn’t here for that, but if I took a poll, at least 87 percent of the people in this bar would tell me they were here to find a person to hook up with for the next few hours.

“Anyway.” I toyed with the base of Jana’s empty wineglass, spinning it a few times while I fought the nerves fluttering through me. My fingers trembled as I did, almost knocking the glass over.

It was saved when a large hand wrapped around the bowl of the glass, steadying it.

I forced my focus back onto the gorgeous guy who kinda made my stomach jump. He remained focused on my face, his scrutiny so intense it sent a shiver down my spine.

Might as well just get the truth out there, because if Wren and Jana came back, they’d tell him. If they hadn’t already. “Their mission tonight was to find a guy who would fuck the bad relationship juju, or something like that, out of me. I’m surprised they didn’t mention it.”

Between the narrowed eyes and locked jaw, he looked ready to break something, but then again, the heat in those dark irises could be attraction. I could be wrong. No one had ever looked at me like they wanted to toss me against the first available surface and make me scream their name. I wondered if that was what he was thinking right then.

My core tightened at the idea of being shoved against the wall. What would his long fingers feel like biting into my skin?

Like he was on the same page, he dragged his tongue along his bottom lip.

That tiny movement alone made my knees wobble. Call me a puddle on the floor, because that’s how I felt.

Jeez, I needed to get it together and remember that I had no intention of going home with anyone tonight.

“Is fucking emotional turmoil away your goal too?” He pressed his lips together and angled in a little closer, his scrutiny burning me up from the inside out. And the deep voice? It rocked through me, suddenly making me consider whether that should be my goal for the night.

But I shook my head, pushing away the lust clouding my judgment. “I just wanted a girls’ night out. Relaxing, not stressful.” I was supposed to avoid throwing myself into yet another bad relationship.

He rested his forearms on the tabletop and leaned in even closer. “But?”

He watched me like he was interested in what I had to say, so I kept going. Why the hell not? I wasn’t trying to impress this guy.

“I broke up with my boyfriend of six months because it turned out he was using me to get a job with the—” I snapped my mouth shut to keep from spilling too many details. “Some people I know. Even though he was the jerk in the situation, I still felt like a loser. My friends are trying to help me move on.”

He studied my face, his expression as intense as ever. Though he was young, probably my age, the hard lines etched into his skin and the rigid jaw made him look so much more jaded.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked for the second time.

Sounding like a hot mess made him want to hang out with me? Didn’t know that was a thing, but who was I to complain? “Why not?”

He turned to the table and scanned the wineglasses and the bottles scattered about. Then he turned back to me. “What would you like?”

Interesting. Unlike most of the guys I’d dated, he didn’t just assume one of the wineglasses belonged to me. Even after six months, Joe hadn’t realized that I hated wine. But this guy had taken the time to ask.

“Bud Light.”

He gave me a clipped nod and strode for the bar. While he waited, he glanced over his shoulder a few times, wearing a surly glower. The look confused me. He wanted to buy me a drink, yet he didn’t seem too happy about it.

While I waited for him, I brushed a couple of guys off, gently informing them that Mr. Tall, Dark, and Angry at the bar was getting me a drink. When he returned, he was carrying two bottles. One was brown and had a blue label, and a second was a brand I’d never seen before.

Easy Out.

“I’ve never heard of that.” I picked up his bottle and read the label. The logo was pretty—a ring of small flowers surrounding the wordsEasy Out. Craft brew from Long Island. Huh. And they serve it in Boston? Must be an up-and-coming brand.

His deep brown eyes shifted between me and the beer. “Did you want to try it?”

“Sure.” I lifted the bottle to my lips and relished the cool, refreshing liquid. When I set it in front of him, I licked my lips, assessing the flavor. “It’s almost citrusy.”

He blinked twice and swallowed. “Did you want it?” As he pushed the bottle toward me, it scraped along the wooden tabletop.

As much as I enjoyed the flavor, it seemed rude to take both drinks. I shook my head. “I’ll stick with Bud Light.”

The corners of his mouth pulled down, almost like he was uncomfortable, and he stared at the drink. But then he shook his head and focused on me again. Finally, he wrapped his long fingers around the bottle, brought it to his own lips, and took a sip. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed did funny things to my stomach and made my thighs clench. Wow. His neck was sexy. Long and smooth and tan. His hard jaw was peppered with more than a five-o’clock shadow, and his lips were full and pink.