Page 67 of Fated to Wolves

When he pulled back, I whacked him playfully on the chest.“I can’t believe we stopped hanging out over the years.I’ve missed you so much.”

Harry was frowning at me.“What are you doing here, Tania?”

I glanced around the strange vast space we appeared to be in.“Ah… I’m not even sure where here is.”

His lips thinned.“It’s a resting place between life and death.As soon as you arrived, they sent me to speak to you.It isn’t your time to die yet.”

“I died?”I repeated, shocked.

“Not quite, but you’re on the way there.”


“You tell me,” Harry said with a rueful twist to his lips.“I hoped the gift I gave you before I died would keep you alive and well for a long time to come.”

I frowned and tried to think about what had happened just before I was here.“I was doing a spell.I think…” I struggled to remember, then it hit me like a Mack truck.“Oh, that’s right.I was trying to lift the love spell on Mason and Leo so they could continue their life without me.”

I gulped on those last words, the pain of the spell coming back to settle in my chest.“I don’t know what happened after that.”

“What love spell did you put on them?”Harry asked.

“I didn’t!”I defended.As if I would do that to anyone.“But they said I’m their fated mate and they don’t have a choice about wanting me.I was trying to give them their free will back.”

Harry’s eyes widened, then he shook his head.“You should have done your research before casting that spell, Tania.Fated mates for shifters aren’t a result of a love spell.It’s fate giving them the gift of taking the guess work out of finding their perfect match.They’re not wrong.”

“So, what are you saying?”I asked, my heart banging inside my chest.Had I made a mistake?

Harry reached for my hands, lifted them up and squeezed hard.“I’m saying that those two men are going to want you until the end of time, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

I stared into his dark eyes, my own eyes filling with hot tears once more.“But, I don’t… I mean, they can’t…”

“You don’t believe they could love someone as beautiful, big, strong, confident and successful as you?”

I hated that he put it so beautifully, but I nodded anyway.“You know Harry, more than anyone.I’m too much.I always have been.”

A tear slid down my cheek and Harry let go of one of my hands to brush it away.“You are exactly the right amount, Tania.And you always have been.It’s just gonna take two men to satisfy all the love you have inside you.”

What he was saying was making sense, sort of, but my heart still tugged at me.“I…”

Then I heard it, my mother’s voice.

I stared down at Harry’s hand on mine.His was disappearing.“I think my mom’s trying to call me back.”

Harry’s body became strong again, for a moment.He gripped both my hands hard.“You need to go back, but listen to me, okay?I gave you that gift so you could have everything you’ve ever wanted.Power and strength, happiness and love.Not just for you, but for all of those around you.Don’t squander that gift, my friend.Please.”

He began to fade again.His face, his features, everything was fading, as was my grip on this world.

“I won’t squander your gift!”I shouted out to him as I was dragged up, up and into my body once more.

“Tania!”Mom’s voice was urgent as she shook me.“Come back.”

Someone was chanting a spell in the background.A witch whose voice I recognized as being familiar, but couldn’t work out exactly who it was.

I tried to open my eyes, but they were heavy.I forced some life back into my body by willing my consciousness back, though it hurt.Why was I hurt?

“Tania!”My mother’s relief and happiness was a palpable thing when I finally opened my eyes and lifted a hand to touch the soreness of my face.

“What happened?”I asked, my voice groggy and strange.“Did someone hit me?”