Page 66 of Fated to Wolves

Jack shrugged.“Tania’s always taken after me.Little magic, but large in body and strength.Personality.”

“That’s not your fault,” I said, “And what do you mean, little magic?Tania’s super powerful.”

“That’s new,” Jack said, his lips twisting.

“We love her size, and strength, and personality,” Mase said, heading for the stairs.“I wouldn’t change a thing about her, except maybe the fact she doesn’t seem to want us to love her.That kinda sucks.”

He looked at me.“I’m going for Mom and Dad.If she wakes up before I get back, tell her I’m not far.Okay?I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Mase headed down the stairs and I glanced around at the small living area.“This place is about to get pretty packed.”

Jack chuckled.“Yeah, she needs a bigger space.”

“We just bought a new place,” I said, then gulped down the lump in my throat that rose.“We asked Tania to come see it, so she could move in with us as soon as she wanted…”

“Things are pretty serious between you then?”Jack asked.

I looked at him, meeting his gaze straight on.“We weren’t lying about her being our fated mate.If she doesn’t want us, then we’re done, really.We won’t find another wife.We never thought we’d have to share a mate, that wasn’t expected, but…”

I shrugged.

Jack chuckled again.“She’s more than enough for two of you.I’m not worried about that.”

“Then what is it?”I asked.

Jacked sighed again.“Tania doesn’t seem to believe she’s loveable.And I can’t work out how that happened.We’ve done our best, God knows we’ve tried, but…”

“Jack, you’ve done an amazing job with Tania.She’s amazing.In every way.And when she wakes up, I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure she knows it.”

Jack glanced off into the bedroom beyond him, where I couldn’t see what was happening.“What if she doesn’t wake up?”

I frowned at him.He was a warlock.Did he know something about this spell rebound thing that I didn’t know?

I lifted my chin and stared at him.“She has to.It’s as simple as that.”

Jack stared at me for a long time, then eventually went back into the bedroom.

My heart was as cold as ice, fear settling inside me like a disease.I refused to think about what would happen to Mase and me if Tania never woke up.

A future without her would be unbearable and I couldn’t believe that fate would finally bring her to us, only to take her away.



There was only dark vastness around me, like the void of space and time.It was peaceful here, and although a part of me knew I should be scared, I wasn’t.

There was no pain.No panic.No worry.

It was kind of nice, in a way.

“Tania?”A familiar voice called out to me, breaking the silence.“What are you doing here?”

I turned around and there before me was my oldest friend.“Harry.”

He opened his arms and I rushed into them, hugging him tight.“It’s so good to see you!”

He hugged me back, tightly.Tears sprung to my eyes.I was so happy to see Harry again.