Page 60 of Ace

“I know she’s probably dead, but will you look for her, too?”

“Yes.” He squeezed her hand. “I promise you we will do everything we can to find Evelyn.”

“Thank you,” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

He nodded and stepped away to let Kody hand over the baby.

He walked up to Chris and Diesel and asked, “Anything useful?”

Chris nodded. “She remembered seeing the city they were headed to on the GPS. Lancaster.”

If it was Lancaster in PA, then it was only an hour’s drive away.

“What we’re wondering about is why the guy was using a GPS in the first place,” Diesel said. “According to Luna, he was always the one who took the girls away, which means it’s unlikely he didn’t know the way.”

“I’m not following?”

“We think he was either taking Luna somewhere new or they’ve never taken them to the same location to begin with,” Chris said.

“Oh. That makes it harder, doesn’t it?”

Their somber faces as they both nodded had his heart dropping. Shit. Kody wouldn’t like that.

Chris put a hand on Ace’s shoulder and said, “We’re gonna keep digging, alright? We’ll go share what we’ve got with Mia and hopefully, she can give us some info on the shooter.”

He wasn’t hopeful that it would lead anywhere but he still nodded.


He didn’t want to leave Luna at the hospital, but he didn’t exactly have a say in the matter. Neither did Luna. She was not only a victim but a witness, too. Until they cleared up that Ace had indeed saved everyone’s lives and shouldn’t go to prison for murder, they were all stuck in limbo. Waiting. Fearing the outcome. Hoping for the best.

He held on tight and leaned with Ace when he took a sharp turn and when Ace brought the bike to a stop in his driveway, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It all just became too much. The thought of losing Ace hurt like hell. Losing him was unimaginable.

A hand on his thigh had him opening his eyes to see Ace looking over his shoulder at him, his visor up.

“You okay?”

He gave Ace a not-so-convincing nod and got off the bike.

He took off his gloves and his helmet and when Ace gently pulled both out of his hands, he looked up into concerned eyes.


Kody tried to smile but… he couldn’t pretend to be fine. Not with Ace. He knew the man would see right through him and either way, if anyone deserved him being honest with them, it was Ace.

“It’s all fucked up,” he croaked out.

Ace put their helmets on the seat of the bike and pulled Kody against his chest.

“I know,” Ace whispered, lips pressed against Kody’s hair. “I know, Baby.”

He held onto Ace, hands clenched in the back of Ace’s jacket, head buried in Ace’s shoulder. It was hard to breathe as he sobbed.

“I don’t want to lose you,” he forced out between strained breaths.

He was pushed back, hands cupping his face.

“You will never lose me. Never,” Ace said. “You understand?”