Page 59 of Ace

Ace shrugged and said, “We all went. It’s what we do.”

Kody’s raised brows made Ace sigh and then he said, “I wouldn’t have been as reckless, but I would’ve still done what I could to save everyone.”

“You would’ve been less reckless?” Kody drawled.

Ace grimaced, then shook his head. “No, probably not. I know I’m stupid.”

“You’re not stupid, Babe. Far from it. You need to remember that. Actually, I think I should just get you a shirt that says, ‘I’m not stupid. I just do stupid things,’ to remind you.”

“Sure. I’ll put it right next to my shirt that says, ‘I’m not gay but my boyfriend is.’”

Kody’s snort of laughter woke Eve, making Ace whisper an apology.

“Don’t apologize,” Kody said and just as Ace thought he was in the clear, Kody put Eve into his arms.

He held on for dear fucking life, not moving a single muscle for fear of dropping her. He’d never handled a newborn before. The youngest kid they had at the shelter was seven and she was a little shit who’d kicked him in the shin more times than he could count. She only did it because she knew he’d pick her up by the ankle and carry her around like that. She was old enough to know how to tuck and roll if he ever did drop her. Not that he had. Well, not accidentally. He’d pretended to and thrown her onto the trampoline a few times. She’d loved that.

“It’s okay. She’s not made of glass,” Kody said, brushing his fingers over her tiny knuckles.

“You’re the one who just said I need a shirt with ‘I do stupid things’ on it,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

Kody chuckled and then Ace felt soft lips against his cheek.

Kody took Eve back and the second she was out of his hands, he released a loud sigh and took a big step back so Kody couldn’t hand her over again. Kody rolled his eyes with a playful smile on his lips.

Chris and Diesel thanked Luna then stepped aside, talking in hushed voices. Ace followed Kody to Luna’s bedside. Kody sat down on the bed, talking softly with Luna while rocking Eve.

Luna looked up at Ace, a line forming between her brows. She looked so young. So fragile. How anyone could get themselves to hurt her was beyond him. He understood why Kody was so protective of them. Eve may be a literal baby, but Luna was still just a kid, too.

“You’re Ace?”

He couldn’t get his mouth to work so he settled for nodding.

“You saved us?” she asked, a tremble in her voice.

“He did,” Kody said, smiling up at Ace.

He found himself stepping closer and when Luna reached for him, he took her hand in his.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He squeezed her hand. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

She looked at him for a long moment and then grabbed the pink and purple bracelet she had on the hand she was holding Ace’s with and pulled it over both their hands, transferring it to his wrist. It had little stars and hearts on it and the words, ‘you can do it too’ on it.

“For saving us,” Luna said. “Evelyn gave me that when I was at my worst. When I was ready to give up.”

He slowly raised his gaze from the bracelet to look at Luna.


Luna nodded, a soft smile finding her lips.

“She was already there when they brought me. She was my best friend. We kept each other sane. We… we shared everything. Until they took her two months ago.”

His heart bled for this sweet girl. For all the horrible things she’d been through.

“Thank you,” Ace said, eyes on the bracelet.