Page 166 of Meet Cute

“That’s not the only thing about to overheat.”

“What?” he asks me and I freeze when I realize that I said that out loud.

“What?” I ask and he gives me a look like he thinks I might be insane.

“It probably just needs some more coolant,” he tells me, nodding to some car part that I couldn’t tell you the name of.

“Oh, right.”

“Do you have any in your car?”

“Should I?”

“Not necessarily. I didn’t know if this had happened before or not.”

“It hasn’t.”

He just grunts as he checks something else.

“When was the last time that you got your oil changed?”

“Is that a euphemism?”

He stares at me, the corners of his lips ticking up and I wonder if maybe a different guy, a real murderer this time, will be heading my way anytime soon.

“Uh, it’s been a while,” I tell him and he just nods again.

“Okay, well come on.”

He starts to walk back the way he came and I freeze. I know that he’s a hero and all of that, but I don’t know him. My body protests. It really wants to get to know him.

“Where are we going?” I ask him as he keeps walking.

I look between my car and his strong back and before I know it, my feet are already hurrying to catch up to him.

“I’ll get my car and take you home. I can come out tomorrow to take a look and try to fix it when the sun is up and some of the stores in town are open.”

“Oh, okay. Where do you live?”

“I’m staying with my cousin. He’s just right up here.”

We’re silent as we walk for a few minutes, but I’ve never been great with silence, so I start to ramble at him.

“How are you liking Fallen Peak?” I ask.

“It’s fine. I’ve only been here for a few days but everyone seems nice.”

“Yeah, me too. I mean, I’ve been here for longer than a few days, a few weeks in my case, but it’s nice. I think it’s really nice. I always wanted to live in a small town, they seemed so great on TV shows when I was younger. Everyone always wanted to help everyone out and be neighborly and all of that good stuff.”

He looks over at me out the side of his eye and I will myself to stop talking but I guess my mouth didn’t get the memo.

“Do you think that there are raccoons out here?” I ask when some branches nearby start to move.

“Probably,” he says simply, and I move to walk on the other side of him.

“You shouldn’t walk in the road,” he says, grabbing my elbow and trying to steer me back toward the woods.

“I think I’ll take my chances with a car rather than with those little forest—OH MY GOD!” I shriek, leaping and wrapping my legs around his waist.