Page 167 of Meet Cute

I’m not even thinking, just reacting and I start to try to climb him like a tree. I get up to his shoulders before I realize what I’ve done.

“There’s something down there,” I whisper hiss at him.

“Wha?” he mumbles and it’s then that I realize that I’ve wrapped myself around his face like a scarf.

My boobs are smashed up against the side of his head and my arms are coiled around him, blocking his mouth, nose, and part of his eyes.

“Sorry, I know that I should get down, but something ran over my foot and I don’t know what it was, so we just have to live like this from now on.”

“Right,” he says, wrestling one of my arms away from his face.

I cling to him tighter, trying to see if I can spot anything moving down by his feet but it’s too dark.

With a sigh, he wraps his arm around my waist and starts to walk.

“I’ll be the lookout,” I tell him and he laughs.

After a few more feet, I manage to unwrap my arm from around his neck a little bit and he shifts me so that I’m more comfortable.

“You really are a hero,” I say when we head down a driveway and I can spot lights from a house in the distance.

“Sure. I just saved you from a squirrel.”

“You don’t know that that’s what it was!”

“You’re right. It was probably a bear.”

I bury my face in his neck, trying to hide my smile but I feel like he can still tell that I’m grinning.

“Okay, I might have been a bit dramatic. I just really don’t like little rodents.”


“I watched this one movie where rats ate the person alive,” I say with a shiver.

“That’s not likely to happen to you when you’re walking down the road though.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“You know that they’re probably just as afraid of you as you are of them,” he reminds me and I snort.

“They’re not.”

He just shakes his head and carries me up to a newer looking SUV. He opens the passenger door and then grabs my waist and sets me on the seat.

“All good?” he asks and I nod.


He nods and starts to close the door and I take one last look at his body. I can’t believe that I was just wrapped around that.

“Are you single?” I ask as he climbs behind the wheel and starts the car and he blinks.


“Good to know.”

He chuckles and asks me where to. I give him directions to my apartment on the outskirts of town and hope that he doesn’t realize that I sent him the long way there.