Page 144 of Meet Cute

My stomach cramps, and I sigh. I have a feeling that in the end, I’m going to lose. I just don’t know if it will be Levi or Lila that I let down.



I’ve been watching Pia all day. She seemed to be alright this morning, but then after lunch she got melancholic and she seemed even more secretive and closed off than normal. When she started to gather up her things, I was ready. I was two steps behind her but somehow still managed to miss the elevator she got on.

No worries. I’ll use my key.

I race back to my office and grab my elevator key. I’ll be able to ride the elevator all the way down without stopping by using this. I’ve never had a reason to use it before, but now that I have Pia, I do.

I’m impatient and unable to stand still as I ride down to the lobby. I’m hoping that she’s still in the building. I wanted to talk to her, drive her home, and spend more time with her. We barely got to talk all afternoon, and I feel like I’m going into withdrawal.

The doors open and I spot Pia right away. She’s headed for the front doors, frowning up at the dark sky as she walks outside.

I start running to catch up with her, and I make it to her before she can reach the bus stop. There’s a crowd around the bus stop awning, and I frown at a few seedy-looking men who are eyeing up the woman standing there.

“Let me give you a ride home,” I tell Pia, already leading her into the parking garage and over to my car.

“You don’t have to do this,” she tries to argue but I just open up the passenger door for her in response.

I climb behind the wheel and back out of the spot.

“You should have told me that you ride the bus. I would have driven you to and from work,” I tell her as I pull out of the parking garage.

I would have offered to buy her a car, but I have a feeling that would have scared her off. I can’t come on too strong here. I can’t lose her.

“I don’t mind the bus,” she says but I can hear the distaste in her voice. It has to make her commute at least twice as long and I’m sure that she’s tired after working all day.

“Are you hungry? We could stop for dinner somewhere.”

“Oh, I don’t want to take up that much of your time,” she starts to argue, and I shake my head.

“You’re not. I offered. I want to spend time with you.”

She starts to chew on her plump bottom lip, and I try to hold back my groan. I wish that it was my teeth doing that to her lip. I can’t get our kiss out of my head, and clear my throat, trying to keep my thoughts on the road and off Pia’s curvy little body.

“I’m not that hungry,” she says, and I frown.

“Something quick then? What’s your favorite fast food place?”

I’d rather take her somewhere nicer, but if fast food is what she’s more comfortable with, then I’ll have to take it.

“In-N-Out Burger, but you really don’t have to get me dinner,” she insists.

“No, burgers sound good.”

The sun starts to peek out from behind the clouds as we head towards her apartment building. There’s an In-N-Out Burger just a few miles from her building, and I pull in there.

“What are you doing tonight?” I ask her as we join the end of the drive-thru line.

“Probably just hanging out with Lila. I need to do some laundry and clean the apartment a little bit.”

“Should we get Lila something?” I ask as we inch forward.

“Um, sure.”

“What does she like?”