Page 145 of Meet Cute

“The original burger, no onions,” she rattles off.

I want that with her. I want to know all of her favorite things. I want to know everything about her. If I get my way, then I will soon enough.

“What do you usually get from here?” I ask her.

“The original burger and a chocolate shake. What about you?”

“I can’t remember the last time I was here, but that sounds good.”

“You don’t eat out a lot?” She asks me.

“I go out for dinner with Theo and Adrien once a week, or we have lunch at the office together, but it’s usually from places closer to the office.”

“Fancier places,” she says, and I shake my head.

“No, just closer. Half of the time it’s just a sandwich or some chicken. Anything but tacos.”

“What’s wrong with tacos?” She asks, sounding almost offended.

“Theo hates them.”

“Oh. Why?”

“It’s a childhood thing,” I say vaguely, and she frowns but lets it go.

“Do you like tacos?”

“Love them,” I tell her, and she relaxes.

“Good. Me too.”

We’re next, and I roll down my window to place our order. The sun ducks back behind the clouds, and I see Pia frown.

“I didn’t think that it was supposed to rain today,” she says, and I shake my head.

“Me either. Hopefully it passes.”

We pull up, and I place our order, adding another chocolate shake in case Lila wants one, too. I still haven’t met her roommate and best friend. Maybe that’s the next step. Meeting each other’s family.

I haven’t talked to my folks yet, but I know they’ll be over the moon excited to meet Pia. They’ve been hinting about wanting to see me settle down and have kids for a few years now, but I’ve never been interested in anyone before Pia.

I pay for our food a moment later, and then they pass me the box of our food and drinks. Pia pops a few fries into her mouth as we pull back out into traffic.

“Thanks for dinner. You really didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to. I like spending time with you,” I tell her, and she blushes.

“Any big plans for this week or weekend?” I ask.

I’m trying to figure out when we can go on our next date without being too obvious.

I’m not sure that I’m pulling it off.

“No, just work and some errands as of right now.”

“Maybe we can grab dinner together again then. Say, on Friday?”

“Maybe,” she says, and I can see her smiling shyly.