Page 7 of Love On the Ice

I take a seat on the bench at the table—Blake taking the spot directly beside me—and open the box. I pull out a slice and place it on his plate before picking up another. It burns my tongue as I sink my teeth into it. A string of cheese trailing from my mouth as I pull it away. Our arms rest on the table side by side as our pinkies intertwine while we eat like some cheesy eighties movie.

“So, want to watch a movie tonight?” I ask him in between bites.

“Yeah, we can watch Elf and snuggle on the couch under a blanket. I can pepper your neck with kisses while my hands roam and explore your body.” He looks over at me, his voice husky.

I almost choke on the food in my mouth and go into a coughing fit. I hurry and grab my soda, taking a large sip. Finally, after swallowing everything down and catching my breath, I give him a smile. “Sounds good.”

“Oh, and Chase, I want you choking on my dick, not your food.” He smirks and winks.

Fuck, he’s going to be the death of me.

Chapter 4


I lied to them when I said I was going to call the redhead from last night. I didn’t have her number, but I was planning to go out. Chase deserved some alone time with Blake, especially after I monopolized their time today. When I came into the kitchen, I found them standing close together at the sink, doing the dishes. Their bodies were touching as they kept glancing at each other, laughing and smiling. It was when Blake leaned in and kissed Chase lightly on the lips, I could hear a chorus of angels singing. I almost broke out into a dance. It was about time they took a leap of faith and took the chance with each other.

Stepping back into the living room after my shower, they were already cozy on the couch. I snagged a piece of pizza and ordered a Lyft to come pick me up. While we were shopping, I overheard some guys talking about Club Bunny and knew I needed to check it out, even though I wasn’t sure exactly what type of club it was.

“Heading out now?” Chase asks, and I can see the hopeful glint in his eyes about the possibility of him having some alone time with Blake.

“Yeah, gonna check out this club I heard about.” I grin widely, but it’s more about seeing my brother happy, not going out tonight.

“Cool, have fun. Just call us if you need a ride or anything, man.” Chase gives me the look with his eyes that begs me to not to interrupt them.

“Nah, man, no need. I can get a Lyft back. Hopefully, if all goes well, I’ll be bringing someone home with me or going to her place. And if luck is on my side, it’ll be the redhead from last night or this chick I saw earlier while we were out. She’s how I heard about this club, I was eavesdropping on her conversation.” Not the complete truth, but fuck it.

“Okay, cool man. I really didn't want to go out at all tonight. But you know if you needed me too, I would.” Blake settles back into the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Glancing over at Chase, I see relief in his eyes.

Picking up my phone from my lap, I check the app to see how far away my driver is and he’s just a few minutes away.

“Well, enjoy the night. I have my keys. I may or may not be back. Don’t have too much fun.” Standing up, I step over to Chase and lean down, kissing him on his cheek before whispering in his ear. “Take the chance, brother.”

“Catch you later, Carter. Don’t forget we plan to hit the slopes tomorrow,” Blake reminds me, as if I could forget. Cold weather, ice, skates, and skis are what I live for. Shit, winter is the equivalent of a wet dream for me.

Slipping on my jacket, I open the door and step out into the brisk, cold night. Snow covers the ground, and it feels like home. Battle Creek University had been hit by a snowstorm just a week before we left to come here.

Two bright lights shine in the distance and as they get closer, I see it’s the cream Mazda shown on the Lyft app. Stepping off the porch, I make my way to the driveway and wait for it to come to a complete stop.

The SUV slows as he pulls in, his window sliding down to show me the middle-aged man in the driver’s seat.


“Yes, sir.” I open the back door and climb in.

“Okay, let’s get you to your destination,” he tells me as he fiddles with his phone. I can see the directions pop up on the screen.

My driver, Charles, fills the ride with conversation, wanting to know how I was enjoying my stay. I was worried at first and he must have sensed it because he quickly told me he assumed I was visiting since I was staying in the cabin.

Charles is a talker—he barely let me get a word in edgewise. It’s not until he comes to a stop do I realize we’re at the club. He hands a card back to me and I take it from him.

“In case you need a ride when you’re done here tonight. That’s my personal number. I can give you a ride off the clock for a cheaper fare.” He smiles brightly, like he’s doing me a huge favor.

“Thanks Charles.” I flash him a smile back as I exit the SUV, sliding the card in my back pocket, not wanting to be rude.

Heading to the front door, I quickly rate him and tip him, closing the app out before pulling out my wallet from my back pocket.

“ID,” the Rock look-alike at the door says, as I pull it out and hand it over. I’m thankful I’m twenty-one because I don’t see this guy falling for the fake ID I had prior to becoming drinking age.