Page 6 of Love On the Ice

“You’re forgiven. I passed Carter in the hallway, and he was jumping in the shower. Fucker decided we need to go into town for a Christmas tree and decorations.” He laughs and shakes his head, placing the tray down on the bedside table.

“What’s gotten into him? I mean, I know he loves Christmas, but he hasn't taken part in any decorating since we were kids unless Mom and Dad made us,” I ask, slightly shocked.

“I know. He said the chick he went home with last night was from here and her house looked like Christmas exploded in it and made him homesick. He also said she passed out, and he couldn’t leave until this morning. She set the house alarm and he couldn’t wake her up, so he was stuck. As soon as she woke up, he bolted and had to fight her off cause she still wanted to get laid.”

“That’s odd. He normally gets laid before bolting.” It’s so unlike my brother to leave without getting lucky.

Blake starts laughing, and I just barely make out what he says. “Said when he got there she went into her bedroom and came out with a snake wrapped around her, going on about how she likes to have sex with it in bed with her.”

“Now I get it. He’s had a fear of snakes ever since we watched that movie where they were on the plane. Then Mom and Dad took us to see this magic show, and the guy brought a snake with him and started passing it around the audience. I thought Carter was going to shit his pants. I’m surprised he made it until morning with the snake in the house.” I can’t help the laugh that bursts from me as I envision it—Carter running out of there this morning like his ass was on fire.

Talking about Mom and Dad makes me really miss them this year, but Dad surprised Mom with a month-long cruise and they’re spending Christmas on a ship.

“Let’s drink our coffee, eat our bagels and get dressed, so we can get a tree. Truthfully, I’m afraid of how this tree is going to look with the three of us decorating it,” Blake says as he hands me my cup of coffee and a blueberry bagel.

Six hours later, after visiting three different locations, we found what Carter called the perfect tree, even though to me, it looked more like a Charlie Brown tree. Then we hit up the local Walmart and bought ornaments. We hit the jackpot when we found hockey ornaments and bought them all. Now we’re home, and it’s time to decorate.

“Who wants eggnog?” I call out to the guys from the kitchen area. We had found some alcohol-infused eggnog at one of the market stands set up in town and bought a few bottles for Christmas and one for today while we decorated the tree.

I get a variation of yes from both of them and pour three cups, then carefully carry them back into the living room without spilling a drop.

“Thanks, bro. How much you want to bet Mom is missing decorating a tree this year?” Carter asks, grabbing the cup from my hand and taking a sip.

“Man, she’s probably wrangled the ship captain into letting her put a tree in her room or decorate five or twenty all over the boat. You know, that woman can talk a blind man into glasses. She should’ve been a salesman and not a preschool teacher.”

“What’s the plan tonight? I was going to give the redhead from the bar last night a call. I should have gone home with her and not the snake girl,” Carter says, scrunching his nose up.

Glancing over at Blake, I find him staring at me intensely. He’s wrapped some garland around his neck and he’s wearing a pair of light up antlers on his head. His mouth turns up at the edges in a sly smile. “Nah man, I’m still jet-lagged and hung over. I think I’m staying in tonight,” he says, tossing me a wink.

“Yeah, me too, Carter. I think I’m just going to chill tonight and go full force tomorrow.” I move over to the tree and begin placing ornaments on it, trying not to raise my brother's suspicion.

“You know the two of you aren’t fooling anyone, but I’m a great brother and best friend, so I’ll let you keep your secret for a while. For now, let’s get this tree decorated,” Carter sings, as he sets his cup on the table and picks up the lights, beginning to string them on the tree.

Over the next hour, we reminisce about past Christmases, drink eggnog, and order pizza.

“Man, can you believe we only have a year and a half before we graduate? I know me and Chase will always see each other, you know, being family and all, but Blake, when you make it big playing professional hockey you better not forget us,” Carter announces as he puts the last string of lights on the tree.

Blake glances over in my direction. “You never know what can happen in that time,” he says, smirking. “We could be living together and who’s to say you won’t be playing professionally with me on the same team? We could make it a stipulation in our contracts.”

“Dude, that would be epic,” Carter says, his eyes staring off into space as if he is envisioning the future.

“But guys, we still need to win our games, so we can go all the way to the playoffs in March this year and next,” Blake reminds him.

“Has coach mentioned if he has any scouts lined up to come see us?” I love hockey, but not to the degree they do. But if the opportunity arose, I definitely wouldn’t turn it down.

“No, but I’m sure he’s got some set. I bet he doesn’t tell us, so he knows we are playing our best and not letting nerves get to us,” Blake says, and we both nod in agreement. That makes sense.

We all sit in silence for a moment before Carter becomes antsy and begins bouncing around.

“Okay, since we’re done here, I’m going to run and grab a shower. The pizza should be here any minute,” Carter says to us as he jogs off down the hallway.

“Guess I’ll plug the lights in so we can see our masterpiece. Hit the lights for me,” Blake says, and I reach back to flip the switch, leaving the living room in darkness as he plugs them in and they turn on.

“Looks good,” I tell him as I stand back. It’s filled with various silver balls and hockey-themed ornaments placed amid an array of silver and blue lights. “I think we did a good job decorating for a bunch of jocks.”

Blake shakes his head in agreement just as we hear a knock on the door. “Must be the pizza.” I turn the lights back on and answer the door, greeting the delivery boy and taking tonight's dinner from him, making sure to tip him well.

I head over to the dining room table with the box as Blake heads to the kitchen, probably to grab some drinks and paper plates. A couple of minutes later, he comes out with both in hand.