“Please, bitch, you know you’re hot. I don’t suppose you’re into girls too?” I’m pretty sure she’s joking as I grimace slightly.
“I’ve experimented, and it was fun, but I’m definitely more of a fan of the sausage than the taco,” I say lightly. I’m not lying, I’ve had sex with women before for the job, but it’s not what I lean toward.
“Shame.” She smiles and pushes a stray hair back from her face. “Do you really think Lathan would take me home? Sophie is going to make my life hell, and I just want to get out of here.”
I pull my phone out of my pocket and send him a message. It doesn’t take him long to reply in the affirmative, and a few moments later, he appears, his backpack over his shoulder and keys in hand.
“Come on, Jess. Mac said you needed a ride. I can’t stand it over there any longer. I’m not getting anything done anyway.”
Her face brightens with relief. “Just a second.” She hurries past us to grab her stuff.
“Make a commotion on the way out so I can slip the card off Ben’s desk?” I ask him, and he nods, his eyes narrowing as he looks around. He pulls a few books off a shelf.
“Grab a couple as well. I’ll drop mine, and hopefully that will keep his attention. You can slip yours on the desk and grab the card at the same time,” he suggests and passes me a couple of books.
“Good thinking,” I say as Jessica returns, looking a little shaky.
“Okay, let’s go.” She walks ahead, and I understand the hint. She doesn’t want to talk about it.
We wind our way through the library and find Ben sitting behind the circulation desk. He looks up as we approach and smiles. “All done?” he asks, and I nod, sliding my books onto the table.
“We sure are,” I say as Lathan fumbles his pile and they tip, dropping a couple onto the floor.
“Shoot,” he exclaims as Ben jumps to his feet and hurries around to help him. I quickly glance around the table and find the card sitting next to the keyboard. I lean forward and slide it across the desk and into my pocket. Ben and Lathan stand up, holding the books.
“Hmm, if you’re reading these kinds of books, maybe you should see a doctor,” Ben says skeptically, looking between Lathan and me. When we look to see what the title is, I chuckle, but Lathan blanches. Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men.
“Human biology homework,” he says blandly, and Ben nods, smiling widely.
“I’m sure it is. Mac looked very satisfied, so I’m guessing it wasn’t for personal reference.”
Lathan blushes as I giggle again, but Jessica is looking at where I shoved the key in my pocket. Damn it, did she see what I did? I’m going to have to come up with an excuse fast in case she asks.
“Well, okay, bye then, and thanks for your help, Ben.” I grab Lathan by the arm and drag him out, Jessica following behind. I snatch the keys out of his hand.
“Here, why don’t you go to the car? I just want to talk to Lathan about his erectile disfunction,” I joke.
Jessica chuckles. “Thanks for your help with Sophie. I was horrible to you and don’t deserve it, but I appreciate it,” she says as she takes the keys, waving goodbye and heading toward Ryland’s sports car parked directly in front of the library.
“Whoa.” Lathan’s eyes widen as we follow her path to the car.
“Right? Anyway, I was thinking that they must have dumped Bishop’s body by now. I’m assuming they were talking about the hot springs that Dayton took me swimming in the other day. How about I suggest he takes me swimming again, and we accidentally stumble across his body?” I slide the card out of my pocket and slip it into his hand. He then puts it in the pocket of his jeans, the movements barely noticeable.
“That’s good thinking. Otherwise, we could be waiting a long time for his body to show up. He was headed to the tattoo studio last I saw him. He hates Stella. I don’t even think he ate.”
We walk down the library steps together. At the car, I go to part ways, but he grabs my arm and leans in, his nose brushing against my ear, making me shiver.
“I can’t wait to get my mouth on you again. You were fucking delicious.” With that fucking announcement, he releases me, winks, and goes to the driver’s side. I’m kind of gobsmacked, and I can see Jessica laughing at me. Who would have thought Nerdy Sexy has a dirty mouth?
Feeling flushed and off balance, I give a half-hearted wave as they drive away. Once the car disappears down the street, I shake off my surprise and start walking toward the tattoo studio.
Chapter 14
The bell over the door tinkles as I walk into the tattoo studio. The smell of antiseptic is strong, but it’s not unpleasant, just reassuring. No one but Dayton is in the shop, and he seems to be filling a gumball machine. Frowning, I walk over to see exactly what he’s doing. He smiles when he sees my confused expression.
“We’re trying something new. This town isn’t exactly the kind of place where people regularly get tattoos. Luckily for us, we have clients come from all around, but we’re hoping this might bring in some new local clients. It’s a lucky dip tattoo. Basically, you stick the coin in and turn the handle, and out pops a ball with some flash art in it.” He holds up one of the little plastic balls, and I see a slip of paper inside. “That’s the tattoo that you get.” He cracks it open, and there’s a little skateboarding ghost on the piece of paper.
I grin. It’s kind of cute.