Before he can answer, there is a commotion at the front of the library. Ben leads Ryland, Miller, and the girls they are always hanging with back to our table. Lathan slams the screen of his lap top closed as they approach, and Ben looks annoyed about something.
“There you are.” Sophie smiles insincerely, ignoring me and focusing on Lathan. “When Lucy asked where you went, and Ryland explained you were doing homework at the library, I thought it would be a good idea if we all joined you.”
They spread out around the large table.
“We didn’t realize you were keeping questionable company though,” Lucy sneers, and Michelle and Jessica giggle, but it’s kind of half-hearted.
“If you want to check out books, you’re going to have to sign up for a library card,” Ben announces, glaring at me like it’s my fault they are interrupting his quiet, serene sanctuary.
“We won’t need to check them out,” Sophie says, dismissing him without even looking at him. Ben huffs and storms off back to his desk, muttering about how he’s glad he never had asshole teenagers.
“Annoying old fag,” Michelle mutters under her breath. I feel my eyes widen before I look at Miller and Ryland, who pretend they didn’t hear her, though I can tell by the clench of his jaw that Miller is not so blasé.
They ignore me and start talking amongst themselves about homework and gossiping about irrelevant stuff at school. None of them give any indication that they know what their parents are up to. Jessica gets up and walks into the stacks. She seems to be making more of an effort to study. I didn’t even see her grab her bag when we left the house, or maybe Ry or Sophie drove her home to retrieve it. I guess being a foster kid, you have to work that much harder to prove yourself. I really do feel sorry for her despite her bitchiness. She’s just doing whatever she needs to fit in and feel needed, and I can respect that.
Lucy, Michelle, and Sophie put their heads together and start to whisper. I ignore it and pretend to keep doing homework. I get a highlighter and make notes on the map where the entrances to the tunnels are from the overlay section. It gives me a better idea of how many there are. Thankfully Sophie isn’t paying attention. I wouldn’t want her to ask me why I highlighted her house. I wonder if Max has been there, and if he has seen it and asked about it. I make a note to ask him.
Miller, Ryland, and Lathan have their heads together as they talk about something I can’t hear. This feels awkward as fuck, and I’m pretty sure I’m ready to leave. I start to pack my things as Sophie gets up and disappears in the direction Jessica went in. I catch Lathan’s eye and nod in the direction of the circulation desk. We still need to grab that card so he can copy it.
He returns the subtle nod, and I wave a half-hearted goodbye, but no one is paying attention, so I start to slink away.
“Mac?” Shit, I guess someone was paying attention. I turn to face Miller.
“Yes?” I smile but brace myself for whatever is up his ass now.
“Ry’s going to drive us to work this evening. Be ready by half past six, okay?” Wow, that was so not what I was expecting. I’m kind of shocked, but I quickly nod.
“Yeah, okay, that would be great, thanks.”
I take my leave, but on the way past the stacks, I hear some aggressive whispering, so I slow down to eavesdrop.
“What the fuck are you doing? I told you to drive a wedge between Ryland and Miller.” I peek around the corner. Sophie has Jessica pinned up against a bookcase, her nails digging into her arm. Poor Jessica looks terrified.
“Sophie, I tried,” she whimpers, “but he’s just not into me. Maybe you have to face the fact that they are into each other and whatever you are trying to do is failing.” Jessica stands her ground despite her obvious terror, and my opinion of her goes up.
“You’re useless. Why don’t you offer to suck his cock? That should help.” Sophie has lost all kindness and only sounds nasty. “Or spread your legs and let him have a go at that tight cunt.”
My eyebrows jump as Jessica shakes her head. “You know I’m a virgin and waiting for the right person.” My eyes flit to the little diamond ring on her hand that is the same as Sophie’s—the ring that announces her purity.
Sophie scoffs. “Please, like any of us are honest about that. You’re foster kid trash, just like that new slut at your home. If you don’t distract Miller, I’ll destroy your name in town. There’s no way you’ll get a scholarship once I’m done with you.”
I see tears well in Jessica’s eyes and decide I can’t let this go on any longer. I bump my backpack into the corner of the aisle and trip like I’m clumsy. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sophie release Jessica and step back. When I right myself, I look up and smile.
“Sorry, I’m such a klutz.” I pull my backpack up over my shoulder. “Everything okay here?”
“Mind your own business, tramp.” Sophie pushes past me and returns to the table. My eyes drift to Jessica’s arm. I can see four perfect half-moon prints with small droplets of blood welling on her skin.
“Are you okay?” I ask again, and Jessica bites her lip and shakes her head. “Threw your lot in with the wrong crowd, huh?”
Jessica nods, wiping away her tears. “She’s going to ruin me. I need a scholarship. I want to do forensics, and there’s no way I can afford to do that.”
My mind starts to whirl. I’m almost certain Dad would love to add another forensics specialist to MITHOS, and what’s better than one who doesn’t have any preconceived ideas? I can almost guarantee he’d pay for her to go to school.
“Shit, Jessica, you don’t need that kind of trouble. I have somewhere to be, otherwise I’d take you with me. Ask Lathan to run you home. You can sit with me in class and the other foster kids at lunch.” She frowns, and she looks over my shoulder. “Come on, do you really enjoy being mean all the time?” I’m actually genuinely curious if that’s her default mode. Foster kids are tough and standoffish, but I saw a different side of her.
“I hate it,” she snarls. “All the posturing and pretentiousness. I wanted friends, and when Sophie deigned to give me the time of day, I was shocked. I guess I let her manipulate me. I’m not even into Miller. I mean, he’s pretty, don’t get me wrong, but he’s kind of an asshole, also...” She trails off and looks around to make sure no one else is nearby. “You’re much more my type.” She winks, and my mouth drops open in surprise. “But the Standishes would freak if they knew I was bisexual, so Miller is convenient.”
I chuckle. “He really is, isn’t he? And I’m sorry you have to hide your real self. I’m flattered.”