“Learning how to compliment a woman without it seeming to be flowery or ass-kissing. You made me believe that statement.”
“Easy to believe when it’s the truth,” said Pork. “A few pounds on a woman means nothing, Katherine. Her true beauty is her heart, her soul, and that beautiful mind that thinks so differently than the average man. We get so caught up in being the alpha male saviors we forget how to be compassionate and human sometimes. I found myself in that spot a few times over the years. I’m glad I didn’t cave into it completely.”
“Well, I appreciate the compliment.” She stared at the long line of food and shook her head. “All my favorites. I can’t believe this. Did they know? How would they know?”
“Don’t look at me,” he chuckled. “So, your favorites are steak smothered in mushroom gravy, au gratin potatoes, grilled asparagus, warm yeast rolls, and chocolate cake?”
“Exactly. Everything you see here is my favorite food. If I were on death row, that’s what I’d be asking for.”
“Huh,” frowned Pork, turning to see Irene and Matthew still walking slowly up and down the main drive between the trees. “That is interesting.”
“Interesting or not, I’m definitely going to enjoy it,” she smiled, filling her plate with the delicious food. Taking their seats near Otto, Kegger, Luc, Antoine, and their wives, they talked casually for a while, then enjoyed their chocolate cake. A few moments later, Rachelle and Bree walked over to the table.
“Hi,” said Antoine. “You two met Katherine yet?” The women shook their heads.
“Katherine, these two are part of our counseling, therapy, and psychology team. This is our sister, Rachelle, and that’s Bree,” said Luc.
“It’s very nice to meet you both,” she smiled, shaking their hands.
“Well, you might not think that after we ask a favor,” said Rachelle.
“Anything. Please, your family has been so kind to me. I’m happy to do whatever you need.”
“We have a couple coming in tomorrow for their weekly counseling session. They’ve been struggling for a while after having two miscarriages, and they lost a child in an accident when he was just five. We’ve tried everything, but we can’t seem to get them to connect again,” said Bree.
“That’s terrible. It’s not uncommon. Couples find it hard to move past something like that, often blaming the other for whatever happened.” Katherine frowned, looking out the window at Irene and Matthew, then shaking her head.
“Are you alright?” asked Pork.
“Yes. I know this is crazy, but I told you earlier that I thought I’d met those people before. It was a young couple that came in. They could be their twins. They’d come in after she’d had a miscarriage. They already had a number of children, but she suffered a miscarriage and was devastated. They were madly in love but just needed a bit of coaching. Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful couple.”
“Th-they lost a baby,” whispered Antoine.
“Yes. Strangest thing. I mean, it couldn’t be them, could it?” The others just stared at her, then looked out the window. “It’s not possible. They’re old. This couple was maybe late thirties, early forties.”
“Did you get their name?” asked Rachelle.
“I never pry for a name,” she said. “People like to keep those things private, and I respect that, but they did whisper to one another at one point. I think they said their names were Martha and Marcel.”
“How did they do that, Antoine?” whispered Rachelle to her older brother. “Luc?”
“I don’t know, honey. I honestly don’t understand what the fuck is happening here. Maybe it’s all just a coincidence. I mean, it does seem strange. The couple had a lot of children. They miscarried. We know that sounds like Mama and Pops, but… It can’t be.”
“Stranger things have happened around here,” said Bree.
“Let me think on it,” said Luc. “I’ll talk to Gaspar and see what he thinks.”
“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you all. I mean, it’s obvious that it’s not them, but I can see that this bothered you.”
“It’s alright, honey,” said Pork. “This is the land of magic and the unexplainable.”
“Well, tomorrow,” she said, smiling at Bree and Rachelle. “I’d be happy to help you. First, I’m going to get another piece of that cake.” She patted Pork’s shoulder walking back toward the food line. Rachelle’s face was pale as she looked at Bree.
“What’s wrong?” asked Antoine.
“The couple coming tomorrow? They were a referral from Mama and Pops. Someone from the church.”