Page 9 of Bark Or Bite

He laughed again, just nodding at her. Tying off the small boat, he held out his hand, pulling her onto the dock. Her foot caught on the lip, and she tumbled forward into his arms.

“Oh! Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry,” she said, trying to pull back. Pork held onto her, his hands firmly gripping her waist.

“No, no,” he grinned. “Not time to move just yet.”

“How did you get so damn charming but don’t have a wife or girlfriend?” she smiled.

“Well, first of all, thank you for calling me charming. I don’t think many women think I’m charming. Bossy. Alpha. Over-protective. Not exactly the smartest man in the room. But never charming.”

“I find all of that hard to believe. And you seem pretty smart to me. Also, I’m not completely ignorant about Navy SEALs. You have to take an AFQT assessment and meet a certain standard. Most of you, if you don’t have college degrees going in, obtain your degrees afterward.”

“Well, well, well,” smirked Pork. “The beautiful sex therapist has done her research.” She shrugged, still holding onto his arms.

“I had time while in the cabin. I looked up some things on the internet. I didn’t want to be completely ignorant to what you had to accomplish to be where you are.”

He stared at her, shaking his head. Even his ex-wife had never taken an interest in what he had to do to become a SEAL.

“Thank you,” he said. She nodded, reaching up and kissing the corner of his mouth.

“You’re welcome.”

“Honey, if that’s foreplay, that’s hot as shit,” he growled. Katherine laughed, shaking her head as she stood up, taking a half-step back.

“It might be,” she smirked. “You’ll have to hang around to find out.”

Katherine walked toward the long drive leading to the cafeteria, turning with a wink and smile as Pork caught up with her. He took her hand in his own. Just to the right of them, coming out of the maze, were Matthew and Irene.

“Katherine, I’d like to introduce you to the finest people God ever put on this earth. This is Matthew and Irene. Please call her Mama, Mama Irene, or Irene,” he grinned.

“That’s right,” laughed Irene. “Hello, my love. Aren’t you just beautiful? We’re happy to have you here.”

“Thank you,” she said, tilting her head. “I’m sorry, but do I know you two? I feel like we’ve met.”

“No,” said Matthew, shaking his head. “I don’t believe so. But then again, we have one of those faces, and all our babies look just like us.”

Katherine smiled at them, nodding. But she was sure that she’d seen them both once before. She was very good with faces and especially good with voices.

“We’ll see you two at dinner,” said Pork, taking her hand and pulling her along.

“See y’all,” waved Irene. She watched as they made their way down the drive, then looked at her husband. “Well, I think that one will work out perfectly.”

“They always do, my love. They always do.”

“That was so strange,” said Katherine. “I was certain that I’d met them before.”

“Well, maybe they do just have one of those faces. I mean, you met Gaspar, and he’s their son, so maybe that was it.”

“Maybe,” she nodded, looking back at the couple. “Something smells positively wonderful.”

“You’ll find that everything here is gourmet without being pretentious. We have Sara, Dylan, Mama Irene, George, and now Casey, all trained chefs. They’re truly amazing, and the food is the best I’ve ever had.”

“I’m going to gain weight in just one sitting,” said Katherine. Pork frowned, realizing that she might leave tomorrow if he couldn’t find a way for her to stay.

“I doubt you’ll gain any weight at all, and even if you did, you’d still be beautiful.” Katherine turned to him, smiling.

“You know, that’s a skill most men never learn to get right,” she grinned.

“What’s that?”