Page 50 of Restore Me

“There’s nothing to tell, Mother. We’re on our first date.”

Ash and my dad are beaming at each other like two old friends, and I can’t tell if it’s because they’re both overly friendly people or if they know each other.

“Mom. Dad. This is Ash Strickland.” I say, wondering if there’s a point in making introductions when my parents already know who he is. “Ash, these are my parents.” My dad smiles as he pulls me into a quick hug.

“No need for the introductions, Bean. Ash has been a client of mine for the last year.”

Huh. I guess that makes sense. Dad’s been a highly sought-after real estate lawyer for most of my life. His firm works with most of the major real estate developers in the state, including James’ parents. And Ash, apparently. This is rich. Running into my parents on my first date in years only to find they knew the man before I did.

“Mark—” Ash clears his throat. “Uh, your dad, recommended this place for our date tonight.” My skin prickles and heat blooms in my cheeks at the idea of my dad inadvertently choosing the location for my date tonight.

“But I didn’t know the lovely young lady you were taking out was my Sloane.” Dad looks between us, his face stretching into a wide grin.

Ash laughs.“Yes, well, with the different last names, I didn’t put two and two together.”

The comment has my stomach twisting with panic, but I don’t know why. I know Mal told Ash I was married before, so it’s not like I need to explain why my last name is different from my father’s.

“Here’s your drink, miss.”

The bartender places a glass of white wine at my elbow. I smile thinly and thank her for it before taking a long sip. Everyone’s eyes are on me, so I force myself not to chug the entire thing. My mom shoots me a pointed glare. It’s a non-verbal warning. Don’t screw this up.

“Mark, we should get going. I’m sure Sloane and Ash want to get back to their evening, and you owe me dessert.”

She links her arm with Dad’s and gives him a dazzling smile. The kind he’s always helpless to resist, and for the first time, I’m thankful she knows all of his weaknesses. Dad smiles down at her. “Of course, my love. Sloane. Ash. I’m afraid this is where we’ll have to leave you. Enjoy your dinner.”

Thank God.

We say our goodbyes, and the panic bubbling in my chest doesn’t subside until they’re out of the building. Ash is quiet beside me, sipping the glass of water the waitress just slid his way, while I attempt to gather my thoughts.

“So,” he says. “That was kind of awkward, but at least we know your parents like me.”

I burst out laughing at the sheepish look on his face, and all of the awkwardness falls away. To my surprise, it stays that way for the rest of our evening. I tease Ash about my dad threatening him with bodily harm at their next meeting, and he makes a point of calling me ‘Bean’ while we wait for our entrees. By the time the bill comes, we’ve developed an easy banter that feels nice to have with someone who isn’t Mal or Dominic—even though that lasted for all of two seconds.

Don’t think about him.

Ash takes care of the bill and then offers me his hand. I take it and try to ignore the glaring absence of electricity between us. His grip is firm and comfortable, and it’s nice to hold his hand, but it’s not exactly stimulating. There’s an attraction there but no real heat between us. No fire in my belly. No pinpricks of awareness skating across my skin. And when he lets my hand go to give the ticket to the valet, I don’t mourn the loss of his warmth.

God, how I wish I did.

“Are you up for a nightcap?” Ash asks, his eyes slipping over my body.

It’s the third time I’ve caught him checking me out. I know I should feel flattered, but it feels a little awkward having his eyes on me. I mean, I appreciate his appreciation. After all, I bought this dress just for tonight, so it feels good to know he likes what he sees. But something is just….missing. Like the final piece of the puzzle that is my desire is lingering at the edges of my brain, waiting to be clicked into place.

Maybe it’s just the awkwardness of the first date, or the whole running into my parents thing, that’s holding it at bay. Maybe we just need a change of scenery, something more intimate and freeing than the stuffy scene of the restaurant.

Ash waits patiently for my answer, and fire or not, I can appreciate a man who knows when to talk and when to listen. That in and of itself wins him a little bit more of my time tonight. Time to get used to his eyes on me and maybe, just maybe, have the last piece of the puzzle click into place.

Please, God.

“A nightcap sounds good, and I know the perfect place.”

* * *

“This place is nice. How’d you hear about it again?”

Ash’s lips brush my ear every so slightly as we look out at the packed dance floor of Reign. Being inside a nightclub after what happened a few weeks ago was a little off-putting at first, but I figured if I was facing my dating fears with Ash I might as well kill two birds with one stone. Plus, being here with a date has me feeling marginally safer.

He’s standing close to me, one arm draped on the bar behind my back while I scan the crowd for Mal. I texted her to let her know Ash and I would be joining her, but she hasn’t responded yet. Searching for her is proving to be a pointless task because she could be anywhere in the thick crowd on the first floor, where Ash and I stand, or living it up in one of the private booths on the second.