Page 51 of Restore Me

I turn towards him and lean close. “Mal told me about it. She said she was coming here tonight with a few of our friends.”

That’s not exactly the truth. Mal didn’t say who she was coming out with, but I’m sure I’ll know whoever it is. It’s probably just a few girls from work or one of her many sorority sisters. Hopefully, she isn’t on a date.

“Ahh.” Ash nods like I’ve just cleared something up for him. “And you wanted to round out the evening by putting me on the chopping block for your friends. Got it.”

“What? No, I—”

“It’s fine. It’s fine.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. “This will be the first time I’ve ever met the parents and the friends all in the same night, but I’m game.” He smiles down at me, warmth and playfulness shining in his eyes, and I can’t help but smile back. My breasts are pressed into his chest, and he gives them a cursory glance before honing in on my lips.

Then he’s leaning forward, and I know he’s going to kiss me.

Maybe. My heart screams, hoping against all hope for sparks, fireworks, or something in between. Maybe. My soul whispers as my eyes fall shut because that’s what they’re supposed to do when a handsome man is about to kiss you.


The voice comes from behind me, and I would know it anywhere—the raspy, dark lilt that hasn’t spoken my name in days but promises me pleasure and all-consuming desire every night in my dreams. Except tonight it’s different somehow, laced with thinly veiled anger and the promise of danger.


I open my eyes and turn my head, trying to locate him in the group of patrons ordering drinks at the bar. It only takes a second. Our eyes meet at the exact moment that Ash’s lips collide with my cheek. His eyes are still closed, and they pop open suddenly, surprised at missing their mark. I catch all of this out the corner of my eye because the majority of attention is on Dominic who’s now standing in front of us with murder in his eyes.

“Uh, Sloane. Do you know this guy?” Ash asks, clearly put out by the apparent stranger interrupting us.

“Dominic,” I murmur, still in shock at his sudden appearance. Both men look at me, probably wondering why I’m whispering in the middle of a loud ass club, and I clear my throat before trying again. “Ash, this is Dominic Alexander. Dominic this is Ash Strickland.”

Shit. Why is introducing my date to Dominic more awkward than him meeting my parents? Ash steps forward and holds a hand out to Dominic. He’s a few inches shorter than him, so he has to tilt his head back a little look him in the eye.

“Nice to meet you, man.”

Dominic stares at his hand for a long minute before giving it a firm shake and letting it go. Ash steps back and curves an arm around my waist. Dominic tracks the movement with increasingly dark eyes before looking back at me.

“What are you doing here?”

He tilts his head to the side as he questions me, and I flush under the weight of his stare. This is the most he’s looked at me since Tuesday when his eyes were positively feral with want. Do. Not. Think. About. Tuesday. I take a sip of my drink and hold his gaze.

“Ash and I are having a nightcap. What are you doing here?”

That’s a dumb question. He’s probably here with Mal because the chance of them both being at the same club by coincidence is pretty low. Then again, so is running into your parents on your first date, but that happened. Before Dominic can answer, a slender hand with perfectly manicured fingers slides around his torso in a show of possession. Then, just as suddenly as her hand appeared, Kristen is standing beside him.

“Please tell me you’ve already ordered the drinks, Nic.” She beams up at him with a hungry glint in her eyes that makes my blood boil.

Dominic is still looking at me. His eyes are hard with an emotion I can’t name, and his body has gone stiff under her touch. It does nothing to soothe the bitterness curling around the base of my spine at seeing her touching him. I half expect Dominic to throw her hands off of him, but he doesn’t move a muscle. Kristen turns her focus to me and Ash, her long hair swishing with the motion. She blasts us with a smile that shows all of her teeth but doesn’t reach her eyes.

“Sloane! I haven’t seen you in forever!” Her voice is an octave too high, trying too hard to sound friendly when I know for a fact she can’t stand me, as her gaze slides over Ash’s hand around me. “It’s so nice to see you out, and dating again so soon.”

Our interactions have always gone like this, the fake smiles and friendly tone used to disguise the backhanded compliments, but my back still stiffens at the patronizing pout she gives me when she says that last part.

“Yes, it has been a while hasn’t it? I think the last time I saw you was in March when you came to dinner at Mama’s.” When you were still Dominic’s girlfriend and not just the woman he fucks from time to time.

I keep my tone friendly, but I know she catches the implication when her smile thins out and turns into more of a grimace. I’m being catty, and I don’t care because it’s fully justified. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let a woman who’s never liked me make me feel like crap for being on a date four years after my husband died.

“That’s right. We had so much fun that day.” She stretches out a hand to Ash who takes it graciously. “Sorry, we’re being so rude. I’m Kristen Newman.”

“I’m Ash—”

“Strickland.” Kristen finishes for him. “You don’t have to introduce yourself, everyone in New Haven knows who you are.”

Ash releases her hand, an uneasy smile tugging on his lips. He seems a bit taken aback by her declaration. “I don’t know about that, but I guess I’ll take your word for it.”