Page 32 of Marauding Daddies

“Fuck, it’s hot,” Kevin growled as they quickly wrapped their bandanas around their face as shields. Embers swirled in the air while the fire crackled and hissed. Through the smoke, they could make out dark shapes of panicked cattle running to and fro, their alarmed bellows rising over the din.

“We’ve got to stop this before the whole pasture goes up!” Kaden yelled as they approached him, where he stood closer to the fire.

“Where is the water truck?” Keith shouted above the hard crackle of flames.

“It’s en route and should be here in ten minutes, but we can’t wait that long. Get to work. All of you,” Kaden roared.

Immediately, they set to work, galloping around the perimeter of the blaze to contain its spread. Some of the men began beating at the edges with wet sacks and branches, while others hurried to dig fire breaks in the earth with shovels and hoes. Still more rounded up the terrified cattle, herding them away from the danger.

“Fuck! We’re not making a dent in that fucking firewall,” Keith said.

Despite their efforts, the fire continued to grow. It consumed the grass hungrily, leaving only blackened earth in its wake. The smoke was now so thick, it stung their eyes and made breathing difficult. The heat forced them back again and again.

“There’s a trapped calf!” Keith yelled as suddenly, a desperate bellow rang out from deep within the conflagration. Through the haze, they spotted a lone calf that became separated from its mother. The poor creature was trapped, hemmed in by a ring of fire. Without hesitation, Kaden spurred his horse directly into the blaze with his coat pulled up over his face.

“Kaden, no! The fire is too hot and spreading. You’re going to get caught!” Kevin shouted after him, but it was too late as Kaden galloped through the smoke and flames. He scooped up the bawling animal, shielding it as best he could, and turned back just as a wall of fire surged up behind him.

“Jesus Christ! Kaden, get the fuck out of there,” Keith screamed. A sigh of relief came from everyone as Kaden managed to burst from the flames with the calf clutched to his chest. He was covered in soot, his sleeves and pants smoking. With a grimace, he handed the calf off to Keith before collapsing to the ground. The men rushed to his side. His hands, arms, and legs were badly burned. The skin was already red and blistering.

“We need to get him to the hospital. Now!” Kevin shouted as he assisted Pete and some of the hands to load him carefully but hurriedly into the truck.

Kaden opened his eyes. “No,” he said in a pain-filled voice. “I need the two of you to stay and stop this motherfucking fire.”

“I’m not letting you go alone,” Keith said stubbornly.

“I’ll be fine, little bro. What I need more than your company at this moment is to keep our land safe and secure. Now, fight that bitch, and let the guys get me to the hospital. My entire body hurts like shit.”

Nodding, Keith turned and joined Kevin at the water fire truck that had just arrived. It was an investment they had made years ago since fires were always a danger on the land. Now was the first time it would be put to the test.

“How is he?” Kevin asked worriedly as they unrolled the long firehouse.

“As stubborn as ever. He’ll be fine.” Keith snorted. “Or so he assured me.”

“Then he will be. You know our big bro, Keith. He’s as strong as an ox. Nothing gets him under. A few burns won’t, either.”

“Yeah, except it’s a little more than a few burns, Kev. Some of them were deep.”

“He’s strong. Now, let’s get this fire put out.”

The fire still raged out of control, but they resolutely fought on. Hours passed in a blur of smoke, heat, and backbreaking labor. Finally, as the sun sank low, they managed to contain the last of the flames and eventually extinguish them.

“Thank fuck,” Keith gasped as he sat down on a boulder. “For a while there, I had started to think it was a losing battle.”

“Me, too, Keith. Me, too.” Utterly exhausted, they surveyed the devastation around them. The once green pasture was now a blackened wasteland. Over two-hundred acres had burned, leaving only ash and embers. The fire had claimed three calves and one of their best breeding bulls.

“Kaden is gonna be pissed about losing Rugga. That bull was like a puppy to him.” Keith shook his head sadly as he looked over to the large hump covered with a canvas tarp in the distance. The bull will be laid to rest in a formal ceremony. Kaden wouldn’t have it any other way. Everyone on the farm knew that.

“Yeah, it’s a heavy blow, but thank God we didn’t lose more. It could’ve been much worse.” Kevin ran a hand through his hair.

Keith could see he was utterly exhausted. So was he, and at a glance around, so was every one of the ranch hands that had stood side by side to fight for the preservation of the land.

Pete put a hand on Kevin’s shoulder. “We’ll have it back to its former glory in no time, Kev, don’t you worry. For now, we’ll take over. Why don’t the two of you pick up Sage and go check on Kaden.”

“Thanks, Pete. I think that’s exactly what we will do.”

Bunkie General Hospital, Louisiana...

The sterile white walls and chemical smell of Bunkie General Hospital enveloped them as they walked down the hallway to Kaden’s room. Despite the doctor’s assurance that he would recover, seeing their oldest brother swathed in bandages made their hearts clench.