I go to reach out and cover her hand with mine but stop at the last moment. I shake her off and go to stand with my Dad. I’m about to non-too politely suggest we should head out on another search when Wyatt’s phone rings, and he calls for silence.

He answers, puts it on speaker, and places it in the middle of the table, on top of the map.

“You did the right thing leaving town… you then fucked it up by coming back.”

I don’t recognise the voice, but Wyatt does, judging by his face contorting with rage.

“You’d make me laugh if I were in a better mood. Return our brother, and we’ll let you leave town with your lives.”

The air bristles with angry tension. Each brother listens intently, wanting to hear every word exchanged.

“We’re not interested in leaving, and your pathetic veiled threats don’t scare us. What could a bunch of old men do to us before we annihilate you all, huh? Nothing, that’s fucking what.”

Thank fuck Leo steps in because Wyatt is as valuable as a motorcycle with no wheels.

“Then why are you hiding from us?” Leo asks what I was thinking.

“Who the fuck said we’re hiding? We’re just enjoying watching you motherfuckers chase your own asses.”

All the threats I can think of dance on the tip of my tongue, but since I don’t wish to be laughed at, I don’t waste my breath. These fuckers wouldn’t give my brother back anyway. Plus, Grumps would remind us not to show weakness to our enemy by showing how much they’ve got to us.

“Well, you’ve taken your time reaching out. You’ve called for a reason. Get on with it,” Leo says.

“It’s simple, really. We’ll hand back your guy, but you have to leave town. Every single one of you.”

Leo doesn’t waste a second. “Fine. I’ve got better shit to do than take back some dive town that’s more of a drain than an asset. Name a time and place.”

The line goes silent, and I lean on the table, gripping onto the map.

“What are you saying? You want this to go down or what?” Leo snaps.

“You expect me to believe it’s going down this easy?”

“First rule is to know your enemy. If you knew me, then you wouldn’t question anything I say. When and where? I won’t ask again.”

“Meet us at the Canon Sugar factory at midnight.”

The call ends, and I turn to Wyatt. “Where is that?”

“Next town over. About an hour’s ride. The place shut down years ago. We’ve used it to make a few deals over the years. It’s discreet.”

Leo’s quick to put a plan in motion. “Dex, Zach, Jay, and Sparky,” he barks out. “Go with Jonah and Creep and scope it out. Do not be fuckin’ seen. Report back. If it’s quiet, plot up andlet me know if they show up early. Don’t make a move without my permission.”

I watch them leave. In my heart, I’m going with them. Because at least I’d be doing something productive. But I know Leo won’t give me permission.

“The rest of you, tool up and be ready to go when I say.” He turns to me and pulls me to the side. “I need you to trust that we’re gonna get Myles back. No one’s dying today.”

“I do trust you, Leo. Trust me, I do.”

“Then don’t make any rash moves tonight,” he warns, adding, “He’s coming home.”

I’ve had my tools ready to go at a moment’s notice for days. I look around for Aspen. Not seeing her, I make my way up the stairs. Lying on one of the makeshift beds, she’s rubbing her stomach. I look away.

“We’re meeting the assholes who have Myles at midnight. We’ll be leaving soon.”

She sits up and says, “Then we have time to talk about the baby.”

“I can’t talk about that now.”