A new voice, one I’ve not heard yet, chimes in, “There ain’t no one we can’t handle. You gonna be a pussy all your life.”

“Fuck you!”

The sound of a scuffle fills the air, followed by laughter. They’re seriously not going to be able to take us down when they fight between themselves.

Closing my eyes, I bring up the last time I was with Emma and my kids.

“It always astounds me how the club can be so close one day, and then the next, you’re all scattering across the country.”

Shoving a couple of pairs of boxers into my bag, I lean over the bed and grab the power cord for my phone.

“How long do you think you’ll be gone?” she asks.

“I’m not sure. However long it takes to show the southern chapter where their balls are.”

“Surely they shouldn’t be wearing the patch if they can’t keep a hold of their territory.”

I snort. “Leo’s debating it. Trust me, it’s running through his mind.”

She blocks the doorway as I go to leave. “Promise me you’ll be careful and stick with Mason.”

Dropping my bag at my feet, I cup her face. “Where’s all this coming from?”

Focusing her eyes on mine, she says, “It’s just that there’s something in the air. It feels like big changes are happening, and I’m not sure if it’s a bad thing or good. And Mason’s been acting weird lately, and nothing seems to be in its place anymore.”

Pulling her against me, I hold her close, cupping the back of her head in my hand. I hate leaving when she’s got concerns. Stroking her hair, she begins to relax in my arms.

“There’s gonna be change 'cause Leo’s making it so. It might take a while to see if it’ll be a good change, but it will. As for Mase, I plan on getting to the bottom of what his problem is. By the time we get home, it’ll all be fine.”


“Have I ever broken a promise to you?”

She shakes her head and kisses me like she never wants it to end.

I hug Penelope and hover over Thomas’s crib, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head.

If only I had kissed Emma one more time.

If only I had held Pen to me for a minute longer.

If only I had said something, anything, to Thomas, so he’d remember my voice.

If fucking only.

Chapter Three


Ihaven’t slept more than an hour at a time in the past five days. When I close my eyes, the shit I don’t want to remember floods my mind, and the possibilities of what’s happening to my brother fights to take the memory's place. To say I’m losing my mind is an understatement. Even during our darker times, we’ve always had information to go on. This time, it’s my brother, and we have nothing. What gets me the most is the nothing. The shred of sanity I cling to is only because I see my brothers tirelessly trying to find Myles. Then there’s my old lady. The only woman I have ever loved and would die for, yet the woman I feel the most disconnected from, yet I can’t stand to be away from. It’s all a fucking mess, and it frustrates me to no end that I, Mason Simmons, can’t figure this shit out.

My life, though some would view it as chaotic because of the club, is simple and smooth. Just how I like it. I can fuck a person up brutally and without remorse, especially when that person has come after someone I care about, and then detach myself and go home to Aspen and kiss her and hold her in myarms. My life in the club is hectic, but my personal life… that’s easy-fucking-breezy. Until now. My mind spins with everything I should be doing, but I can’t physically do fuck all.

Reaching for the nearest chair, my fingertips dig into the wood as I swing it around and hurl it at the wall. It breaks apart and lands on the floor in pieces.

“Mase, that shit ain’t helping,” Dad grunts.

I ignore him and prop myself up at the bar. Her perfume wraps around me like an invisible blanket, and then her soft, warm hand snakes up my back and wraps around the back of my neck. I want to go back two years to when we were fucking perfect. There was no prison, no pregnancy, and I had my brother at my side.