Page 62 of Ruthless Hunter

“I wouldn't be anywhere else, and this dress is amazing.”

“I couldn't agree more," comes my father's voice from behind us. We turn to find him walking into the showroom. A proud smile brightens his face and adoration fills his eyes. "You look fantastic, Luna."

"Thank you, Dad."

When he reaches us he gives Kimberly a quick kiss, then me a hug.

"I'm going to grab a cup of coffee." Kimberly glances at Dad.

"We'll catch up later," he replies.

She nods and leaves us, then Dad looks back at me. He brings his hands together, looking proud. "This feels like one of those defining moments in our lives, and you haven't even taken your vows yet."

"I guess it's because we're getting closer to the date."

"Yes. We’re less than two weeks away now. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. Soon I’ll be walking with you down the aisle."

“It still feels weird.”

"That is to be expected." He nods slowly. "I know things would have been easier if Layla were here." The disappointment that always clouds his expression crosses his face at the mention of my sister's name.

“Yes. I'm so disappointed in Layla. I can't even talk about her.”

“I feel the same, but…I have to be thankful for small mercies. I spoke to her earlier today.” He gives me a thin smile.

I might be mad as all hell at Layla but hearing that she actually spoke to him lifts my heart. This is the first verbal contact we've had with her in months.

"What did she say?"

"Not a lot. Of course, I was the one who called her. I was just glad she picked up the phone. She's doing good and she’s safe, which is the best I can hope for. Every time we speak or have some contact the one thing I hope is that I don't push her away from me. That's why I allow her to have her freedom to do what she's doing.”

I wish I could say that I understood, but I don't. I don't want to understand because it's still not fair.

“Layla wants to wish you well for the wedding and apologizes again that she can't be there.”

"That's it?" I frown.

"Sorry, my love, but yes, that is it. Please don't worry about your sister or feel sad. You have enough going on in your life. There's a lot for you to adjust to. That includes Ryan. I feel bad about him and how things turned out for him because I know he feels deeply for you too."

Thinking of Ryan makes my heart squeeze. I recall our deep conversation from the other day and guilt fills me once more because my heart still feels like it doesn't belong to him.

"I guess things turned out the way they were supposed to."

"It's always difficult for a father to make the right choices for his daughters, especially in a family like ours.” Dad stops for a moment and inhales a deep breath. “I'm a firm believer in love. At the same time I have to do what's best for you. It's my responsibility to make sure you have a good life. Hunter was the best choice for that."

I don't answer because I don't know what to say. I don't disagree with him, but I can't agree either. Hunter still doesn't come close to the man I imagined myself being with, and those special things on my bucket list have gone to hell.

I'm having a difficult time letting those things go, but I know I need to.

"How are things with Hunter?" Dad asks tentatively as if sensing my thoughts.

Every time he asks me that question I give him the same answer; that I'm okay and things are fine. I know as strict as Dad is, and firm, that he cares, and I don’t want him to worry. This is the first time he's asked the question that it's thrown me for a loop.

The last time that question was asked Hunter hadn't kissed me yet. We also hadn't been more intimate on his office table.

"Things are okay," I reply quickly, schooling my thoughts. "I just have to get used to him."

"I have faith that you will.”