Page 63 of Ruthless Hunter

Meaning he expects me to do whatever I need to for as long as it takes.

“As for me,” he adds, “you should know that my approval rating has gone up by more than thirty-five points since the news of your engagement was announced."

A surprised gasp falls from my lips. "Really, Dad? That much?” I can't believe it.

"Yes, that much. People in New York like the Le Blanches. They think I stand a better chance of fulfilling my promises if I have a family like them backing me, so it looks like I will be governor.” Dad gives me a proud smile. “I work my fingers to the bone but this is you, Luna. You made this possible for me, and you make me proud. You remind me of myself. You’re a person willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, not just for themselves but for everyone."

My heart swells and I realize just how much having my father's pride, approval and gratitude means to me.

I give him a little smile. "That makes me happy, Dad. It really does."

"I thought it would. Getting used to this new relationship with Hunter will have its challenges, but I know you can make it work."

“I promise I will.” Even though the promise feels empty, I say it anyway.

Dad takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Your mother would be proud of you for this. Come here." He pulls me into his arms and holds me like he did when I was little.

It's a tender moment between us that feels like coming home but conflict still wars inside me. It makes me wonder if there will ever come a time when I will feel the happiness I should feel.

I don’t know.

I walk up the stairs toward the meeting hall at work.

The management team is holding a meeting for all those involved in the fundraiser. Ryan will be attending on behalf of the senator's office.

Emily was supposed to be here, too, but she had to attend another meeting for her department. It would've been nice if she could have accompanied me so I’d have someone to cushion any awkwardness I might feel around Ryan.

It's been four days since we last saw each other. We've had no contact since.

I never expected him to call or message. It's just that we left things in that awkward position where I knew it would be weird between us whenever we saw each other next.

That meeting of ours left me wondering what the hell he'd come up with to bring us together. But worst of all, I thought about how I'd turn him down.

After speaking to Dad yesterday, I know I definitely can't even contemplate any sort of plan Ryan comes up with.

In my heart I also know I don't want to. It's just difficult for me to get to that place where I can accept it and voice my opinions.

I don’t want to look like some fickle flip-flop girl who falls in and out of love at the drop of a hat with any guy who gives her attention.

When I make it up the stairs I spot Ryan standing ahead at the meeting room door. He’s waiting with the others to go in. He's also talking to Carrie Anne, one of the girls here who's had a thing for him for years.

The two of them went on a few dates in the past and Carrie Anne made sure I knew that they slept together several times.

I remember being so jealous of her in the past. She's pretty, funny, confident and everything Ryan wants in a woman.

Now as I look at her touching his chest and laughing that flirty laugh, I feel nothing. Literally nothing. The two of them could be strangers to me.

When I get closer Ryan sees me. In the past he would've continued talking to Carrie Anne but today he stops and seems to excuse himself so he can come over to me. I was actually going to head over to the other side where the chairs are so I wouldn’t disturb them.

Ryan walks up to me and greets me with a warm smile.


"Hi there. "

“I was just catching up with Carrie Anne." He motions toward her.

"I saw. And she looks like she misses you already." I glance across at her and note the cold stare she's casting my way.