I smile, but I know that whatever time he can spend with me is going to be very little.

Almost an hour later, the driver announces, “We’re here.”

The driver climbs out. A bellhop already waits for the bags, and Andrew opens his wallet for some cash to tip them.

Tips given, he instructs the bellhop to leave the bags inside our room.

“So, you’re not going to our room?” I frown, disappointed.

“No,” he takes my hand and starts walking inside with me. “There’s a luncheon with all the teams hosted here.”

“I’ve never been inside a luxury hotel. I can’t wait to see how fancy it is,” I remark eagerly.

Andrew’s smile widens as we enter the hotel, and I’m immediately met with crystal chandeliers, plush velvet sofas, and stunning art pieces on the walls. My jaw drops and I turn to Andrew with wide eyes.

Andrew chuckles. We get to the ballroom, where a security guard recognizes Andrew, but asks me for my ID.

I give him my driver’s license. “So, he doesn’t need to show his ID, huh?”

The guard maintains his serious demeanor, but a hint of amusement flickers in his eyes as he checks my ID and hands us a pair of lanyards. One for me, one for Andrew.

Inside the ballroom, every woman is wearing designer clothes, while I’m here wearing clothes from the mall and a pair of trekking boots I bought from the family’s store.

“Yeah, we need to go shopping,” I murmur to Andrew, squeezing his hand anxiously. He makes me feel better when he brings his arm around my shoulders.

“Can I leave you here with the ladies while I walk around a little?” His gaze drifts towards the girlfriends and wives of the Razorhawk team, all gathered around a table, with Emma at the center. “I need to find Coach Hanson.”

Feeling a pang of disappointment, I suppress a sigh. I came to spend time with him, but knowing I’ll only have limited moments with him fills me with distress I can’t express to him. I don’t want to risk affecting his game.

“Of course,” I manage a smile after a brief moment of contemplation. “Meet me here later?”

“Yes,” he reassures me with a kiss before disappearing into the bustling ballroom crowd.

I watch him go, then turn my attention to the players’ significant others. Meredith recognizes me and calls me over to the group, while Emma steps aside to make room for me in the circle.

“So, you’re staying with Connoly for the rest of the season now?” Emma smiles over her drink.

I nod. “Alissa is with her grandparents until the end of the school year.”

“Alissa is your daughter?” a beautiful woman with green eyes and natural curly hair asks. She seems friendly, but the others eye her warily.

“Yes, she’s in pre-K,” I say, then offer her my hand to shake. “Emily Mitchell, nice to meet you.”

She holds onto my hand with both of hers, but before saying her name, she asks, “Who are you married to?”

I’m caught of guard. “We’re not married. Andrew Connoly and I are dating.”

“Which position does he play?” a nameless brunette intervenes as well.

“Right-winger?” I raise an eyebrow.

“That’s right!” She smiles and then intertwines her arm around mine. “I’m Tamara Banks. I’m married to Bobby Banks, Brook’s substitute for the center. Are you brand new to all of this?”

We begin to walk, and I grab a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray.

“My experience is limited to high school hockey matches; my dad was a coach,” I begin, reflecting on my family's connection to the sport. “In fact, he coached both my brother and Andrew.”

“Emma said you are high school sweethearts?” she asks with interest.