“Not exactly,” I sip my drink. “We had feelings for each other all through high school, but he was older and my brother’s best friend, and it was complicated.”

“Sounds challenging, but adorable!” Tamara smiles warmly. “How’s your brother reacting?”

“He wants to punch Andrew square in the jaw,” I admit, and Tamara bursts into laughter. “But he will come around.”

“And your daughter? How old is she?” she inquires.

“Five,” I respond, my thoughts immediately drifting to her, and I realize how much I miss her already. I take a deep breath and another sip of champagne.

“Let’s hope Connoly doesn’t change teams again next year. Moving is such a hassle,” Tamara comments. “Bob and I just went through this last year and we and the kids are still adjusting to Illinois.”

“Oh, I can’t even imagine moving.” I grimace and Tamara laughs again. “I’m twenty-four and have never moved.”

“Not even from your parents’ house?” she asks.

We’re walking to the garden in the back. It’s a beautiful place, full of flowers and water features, and we stop by a koi pond to admire the colorful fish swimming around.

“Nope,” I shake my head. “I got pregnant just before going to college, so my parents were a big help. My daughter is with them right now.”

Tamara nods and gives me an understanding glance. “We left our kids with family too,” she shares. “But you’ll bring her here for Family Day, won’t you?”

“Is that a thing? Ali will love it!” I exclaim, immediately lighting up. “I just don’t like her flying back and forth like that…”

“Do you love your man?” she suddenly asks, dead serious.

I think for a second. “I think he needs to be the first one to hear it from me.”

“Fair enough,” she concedes. “If you’re planning to build a life with him, and if he’s going to take care of your little girl, you’ll need to get used to being the rock for them.”

“What do you mean?” I inquire, intrigued.

She continues, “I know I need to keep Bob out of some of my problems. Otherwise, his mind won’t be in the game. If his focus is not on the game, he risks being benched, traded or worse, getting a career-ending injury.”

Her insights startle me. “I know his world is different. I just didn’t realize how much,” I admit, then let out a loud exhale.

Tamara shrugs, a soft smile on her lips. She wraps an arm around my shoulder and rubs my back reassuringly.

“You’re here to learn about his lifestyle, right? Don’t let my words overwhelm you. Draw your own conclusions,” she advises and then turns her attention to a tall man approaching us.

I recognize him instantly. He’s Bobby Banks, the former starting center until the Razorhawks acquired Brooks.

“You’ve made a friend, babe?” he asks politely, offering me his hand to shake.

“Yeah, she’s Connoly’s girlfriend,” Tamara interjects.

“I’m Emily Mitchell,” I introduce myself, and I feel the strength of his handshake.

“Connoly talks about you,” he smiles. “Let’s get inside, they’re serving the food already.”

“Oh!” Tamara exclaims happily. “You coming, Emily?”

“Sure!” I follow the happy couple back inside.

What I’m not sure of is if I want the life they have or not.

Chapter Twenty-Seven