Page 8 of Captured



Hunter’s man went down hard. Blood spurted from his mouth as he crumbled. I ducked, scurried toward him, and lunged as Coulter’s men rushed from the trees. One of them bellowed as he rushed forward. The brutal thud of colliding bodies was sickening.

I snatched the gun from the dying soldier’s grasp. One look into his panicked eyes and I knew there was no hope of saving him, only in saving ourselves.

My finger was around the trigger as I lifted, aiming for Coulter’s other men, who flanked us through the trees.

“Try it.” I aimed the gun at the bastard’s head as a grunt sounded from the fighting men.

Only it was Hunter’s man who rose, the front of his shirt sodden with blood. He sucked in a hard breath, looking down at Coulter’s dying man.

“Let’s go.” The soldier motioned to the vehicles.

He didn’t need to tell us twice. I stumbled forward, only Kane wasn’t as fast, sitting on the ground behind the black Jeep. I moved forward, carrying the gun as I stood over him. “Kane?”

He lifted his head. There was blood on his white shirt on the side.

Fresh blood.

“Jesus,” I muttered as I knelt beside him, yanking his shirt from his waistband.

“Oww, shit,” he winced and snarled.

Fresh blood ran as I pressed harder. “We need to get him to a doctor.”

“I have something better,” Hunter’s man muttered. “We have a medic on our team. Come on.” He stepped close, then bent down, grabbed my brother’s arm, and swung it around his shoulders as he helped him to stand. “Let’s get you out of here.”

The faint crack of gunfire drifted through the trees as I hurried around to open the back door. Kane gave a grunt, then a moan as the soldier loaded him into the back seat.

“I’ll sit with him,” Thomas muttered, leaving me to nod and climb into the passenger seat.

Car doors thudded. A second later the engine howled to life. I barely made it inside, yanking the door closed after me as we were reversing, slamming into a bush, and lunged forward. The Jeep bounced hard as we skidded over ruts and surged ahead.

Hunter’s man jerked his gaze to the rear-view mirror and pressed the microphone on his shirt. “I see you, everyone make it out?”

I glanced over my shoulder as more men came from the trees, clambered into the other vehicle, and pulled the four-wheel drive around.

“Thank fuck you got here,” I muttered, glancing at the driver. “Are you taking us to Hunter?”

He never answered, just divided his attention between the car behind us and the track that took us further away from The Order.


I wanted to be as far away from that place as I could.

“Kane, how are you doing?”

“About as well as expected…” he muttered. “After being shot.”

He looked pale, beaded sweat across his brow made him look even more sickly. I just gave a nod, met Thomas’s careful stare, and turned back. It took us twenty minutes to get out of that forest and back onto asphalt. Twenty minutes I didn’t want to waste.

“Is she okay?” I asked, glancing at the soldier. “Helene and the others.”

He didn’t answer, just pushed the Jeep harder, pulling away from the vehicle behind us. I settled back. My breaths were hard as I focused on getting to her. The moment I had her in my arms, she was never leaving my side.

Not for Hale.