Page 7 of Captured


Plastic ties were cut from him, then Kane, and finally me. I shoved forward, rising to my feet. I was scurrying forward, scrambling down to the ground in an instant.

“Wait!” the soldier called.

“Get me out of here!” I roared. “I have to get to her. I have to get to?—”

“There’s no need.” He stopped me cold.

I slowly turned around, finding his hard stare.

“He already has her.”

He has her. He has her. The world seemed to tilt. Jealousy raged to the surface, searing hot and molten. I met his stare. “Take us…” My words were a croak. “Take us to her, now.”


A shot ripped through the trees where I stood. Only I didn’t flinch, nor did I duck for cover. Kane and Thomas lunged, jumped down from the loading dock, and raced toward me.

“Head through those trees,” the soldier barked, stabbing his finger through the forest. “We’ll be right behind you.”

He pressed his hand against his earpiece and spoke. “We have them, yeah. Yeah, I’ll bring them now.”

I knew who he spoke to. The only one who’d descend like a ghost to save all our asses. Our brother, Hunter Cruz. I shifted my gaze to Walker’s body lying motionless on the filthy concrete.

I wanted to stay and hunt the bastard who’d killed him through the hallways of this fucking prison. More than that, I wanted to carry Coulter’s head back to Helene and drop it at her feet. One monster would be down, two more to go.

But I didn’t do any of that. I turned as my brothers tore away from me, plunging between the thick brush and towering pines and I followed, leaving him behind.

She was all I cared about now. Get to her, then find the bastard who’d done this.

I wanted them all to die screaming.

I swung my arms, slamming aside low-lying branches, and raced after them. Thomas still limped, and Kane did his best. But it was pure rage and adrenaline that had me catching up, then overtaking them.

Sunlight glinted off glass in the distance. I leaped over fallen trees, picking up pace as I headed for the vehicles. A soldier lifted his rifle, stepping out into the open as we neared.

“Easy,” I gasped, sucking in hard breaths as I held up my hands. “Riven, Kane and Thomas. We were told you could get us out of here.”

He gave a nod toward the four-wheel drive. “Get in. We leave with the others.”

Anger flared, making me bite down on my words. I didn’t give a shit about the men who’d saved us. I only cared about finding her.

A crash came through the trees behind us.


The shot flew past me. I spun, finding Coulter’s men slashing through the trees after us.

“Get the fuck down!” The soldier roared, swinging his gun and firing back.



Something slammed into me, spinning me around like a top. I stumbled, lunging for the safety of the vehicle as more gunshots followed.
