And the Priest.
That suffocating emptiness wrapped tighter around me as we turned down a road I’d never been to before. I didn’t care where I was, didn’t care if it was The Order or a whole new hell. Not anymore.
Gears of the four-wheel drive downshifted. I slowly opened my eyes. Some part of me knew I was barely hanging on. Broken nails were slipping, digging into the edge of my sanity. The cavern of darkness waited.
The words whispered.
Like you always were.
He slowed as he twisted into a narrow driveway and the vehicle climbed hard. The tires skidded, then caught, throwing me against the seat as above us a hidden gate rolled open, leaving us to drive through.
Suddenly, we were driving into what looked like a compound built into the side of the mountain. A dark, stony house on one side, another rose higher in front of us, bridging the gap between one rock face and the other.
Dark glass glinted against the black stony walls that blended into the cliff face.
My rescuer who was now my captor turned the wheel, pulling up in a driveway big enough for us to turn around and drive right out of here. He yanked on the handbrake and killed the engine. I waited for the barking commands to come, or for him to force me from the car.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he opened the door and climbed out, closing the door with a thud behind me and walked off, leaving me behind. My eyes darted instantly to the ignition, finding it empty. He dropped his hand, the keys jangling from his fingers.
There was something about him. Quiet, hard…and full of answers I needed. I had no choice but to open the door and follow.
He pretended I didn’t exist, walking toward the house carved into the side of the mountain. I closed the door behind me, shifting on painful feet and glanced over my shoulder to the steel gate closing behind us.
Asphalt gave way to cooler stones, giving me a little reprieve from the burn as I numbly staggered after him.
Then he was gone, stepping into the shadows under the towering mountain house, leaving the door open for me to follow.
The fight for survival pushed in and stopped me at the doorway.
“Where are you?” I called.
Silence answered.
A chill coursed along the back of my neck as I stepped in. I left the doors open behind me as I went further. Cool tiles made me hiss even harder with relief. I curled my toes, my feet stinging as I made my way deeper inside. The rush of water came from deeper inside. I followed the sound toward the rear of the house, finding him in an expansive and expensive looking kitchen.
He placed a glass of water on the counter and hauled what looked like a medical kit up next to it.
“You want to tell me what the hell is going on?” I growled as I came closer.
Clunk. The clasps snapped open before he plucked a sleeve of pills free, stared at the printed foil backing, then pressed two out next to the glass.
What the fuck was this guy’s problem?
My lip curled, anger carving through my grief as he turned, grabbed me around the waist, and lifted me to the counter before I realized he’d even moved.
I bucked at the last moment, punching the tree-trunks he called arms to get away.
I may as well have been a goddamn fly.
My pathetic blows glanced off his muscles as he turned, grabbed the glass and the pills, and handed them to me. “Drink, and take them.”
“No fucking way.” I slammed the glass down hard enough to spill the water. “Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!”