Page 3 of Captured

I opened my mouth to ask as the truck hit the brakes, screeching the tires. Dust billowed, kicking up as the camouflaged transport pulled up hard.

“Get them all loaded inside.” He commanded the others, then glanced my way, jerking his head toward the four-wheel drive. “You’re with me.”

He didn’t wait for me to argue, just strode around the front and climbed in behind the wheel. The engine roared as the gears were engaged. I had no choice but to limp and lunge for the door as the vehicle rolled forward.

“We need to go back!” I yanked the passenger’s door open and climbed in.

I barely had the door closed before I was thrown back against the seat. My heart pounded as he spun the wheel hard and hit the accelerator. Through my window the other Daughters were loaded into the back of their truck.

“Where are you taking them?” I yanked on my seatbelt, snapping it into place as the bellows of the soldiers faded outside.

He handled the wheel like he was born with adrenaline in his veins, not once answering my goddamn questions. I gripped the seatbelt as the remaining soldiers climbed into the truck. It lurched forward and turned around onto the shoulder of the road to follow us.

Minutes, that’s all it had taken, minutes to snatch us from our way to Hell. The only question now was, where were we going?

Only, as I watched behind us, I saw The Order’s truck following us, as well. I jerked my focus to my silent abductor. “What’s going on?” He said nothing and every second that stretched out between made me even more desperate. “I said, what the fuck is going on?”

He slowly shifted that unfathomable stare my way. Yet, all I saw was the balaclava…the skull and the dirt as I inhaled the heady scent of the sweat. He shifted gears, watching me as he pushed the four-wheel drive harder. Trees rose in the distance. The trees I was desperate to see. Still, I said nothing as we hurtled toward them.

The fence line appeared through the crowded trees. Sunlight glinted off the steel, shining as we drew closer. I waited for the vehicle to slow, for the gears to be shifted and the brakes to be tapped. But none of that happened.

I swiveled hard in my seat, watching the entrance fly past. “Stop!” I jerked my gaze back to him. “I SAID STOP! YOU NEED TO TAKE ME BACK THERE! YOU NEED TO?—”



His answer was cold and callous, leaving me desperate. I turned and clawed the door handle.


The locks engaged. With a savage scream, I lunged and grappled for the wheel. His head snapped my way, that glare stopping me cold. Do it…the look warned. I dare you. A flicker of fear rose.

“You don’t understand!” I screamed through clenched teeth as tears filled my eyes. “They’re going to kill them all!”

Those dark eyes turned back to the road. I knew then…I knew all too well. He understood, maybe better than I realized. My throat thickened. Still, I forced out the hiss. “Who the fuck are you?”

He never answered, just turned the wheel when we came to the intersection. Only we were going in the opposite way to the city. I jerked my gaze to the side mirror, watching the truck turn the opposite way.

“Where the fuck are you taking me?”


Empty. Cruel. Silence.

My mind was racing, trying to find a way out of here. But even if I could escape this bastard, I’d never make it back there in time. My shoulders sank, curling in.

Grief filled me as I pulled my burning feet upwards. I wrapped my arms around my knees, just like I did around the agony.

I am your blade now, Daughter. Riven’s voice echoed as I stared out of the side window. I am the honed edge you crave, the prick of the needle you long for…and the drug you can never escape.

My hands trembled, tightening into fists as those words invaded. I did need him—I closed my eyes as tears slipped free—now more than ever.

Their faces rose.

The Principal.

The Teacher…