Page 30 of Captured

I’m here. I wanted to call out. It’s okay, I’m right here.

Until Hunter’s massive hand hit the middle of my chest, stopping me cold.

“Uh-uh,” he murmured and slowly turned his head to meet my gaze.

I flung his hand off, then stepped around the bastard.

But he just stepped back in my way.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I snarled.

“Protecting her.”

Rage seethed under the surface. “You want to say that again, brother?”

He held my stare, those unflinching brown eyes that looked so much like our sister’s. “I said, protecting her.”

I looked past him, to the one I wanted, and lowered my voice. “You don’t want to stand in my way right now.”

He had no idea what he was dealing with. The things we’d done. The terror we’d endured. “It’s okay, Trouble.” I focused on her, searching the bruises on her face and the marks on her neck. “My brother and I are about to discuss this privately.”

But she shook her head, her eyes wide as she murmured. “You can’t be here, Riven.”

I froze. “What?”

She stepped around Hunter, grabbed my arm, and drove me backwards. “You can’t be here. You have to go…all of you. You have to go now!”

I stumbled backwards, stunned.

Agony roared to the surface once more, dragging with it all the hate and the loathing, until I snapped out of it and yanked my arm from hers. “What the fuck is going on here?”

The faint sound of engines came somewhere behind us.

Helene whipped her gaze to the Explorer.

No…not the Explorer.

The growling engines that signaled someone else was arriving.

The sound of those engines grew louder, coming closer and closer to the compound.

The sun glinted off shimmering chrome, bouncing back to blind me. “Someone want to explain what the fuck is going on?”

Shadows and the brilliance. That’s all I saw as another car pulled in hard beside the Explorer, kicking up dust as it came to a skidding stop.

Car doors were thrown open. I waited for the slams…but they never came. Instead…the slow, heavy thud of someone’s boots staggering followed.

“Helene?” A woman cried out.

I stiffened, knowing that voice.

The one I heard in my goddamn nightmares.


I slowly turned, to find London St. James striding after a very pregnant Vivienne King, looking very pissed off. He took one look at me and lifted his hand to point a gun at my head. But it didn’t matter, because he’d brought the entire fucking squad with him.

“Helene!” Came another female cry as Carven and Colt came behind London, both glaring at me.