Page 31 of Captured

The Sons.

The sight of them hit me hard. Colt’s lips were curled in a snarl as his murderous brother, Carven, palmed a blade as he headed straight for me, ready to hurl it through the air and end me where I stood.

“Ryth!” Nick Banks roared as a slip of a woman rushed after Vivienne, both women heading for their sister. “For fuck’s sake, baby, WAIT!”

His two pain in the ass brothers were hot on his trail. Caleb was right behind him, but it was Tobias Banks who slowed, a chilling fucking smirk aimed at me that made me regret a lot of my life’s choices…

Including meeting him.

“Great,” I muttered, taking a defensive step backwards as they all came for me. “This is just fucking great.”

Helene jerked her gaze to mine, her arms wrapped around both her sisters as all six fucking males raced forward. I stumbled backwards, swinging a fist a second before my shirt was grabbed and the cold bite of a gun muzzle was pressed against the side of my head.

“Say goodbye you fucking bastard,” London growled.

“Easy!” Helene yelled. I barely heard her through all the heavy fucking breathing in my ear.

“London…” she roared. “Nick…Christ’s sake, Tobias…I said STOP! STOOPPPP!”

They did. I shoved and bucked, desperate to get out of their grasps.

“Don’t hurt him.” Helene headed my way, putting herself between us. Didn’t she know these men were fucking ruthless?

“Don’t.” I surged forward and grabbed her around the waist. “Don’t do this, you could get hurt.”

I held her as she grabbed hold of my arm. As dangerous as that was…as precarious as it was with my life teetering on the edge of extinction, touching her was my everything. I turned my head to her, pushing all their hate and rage at me to the back of my mind as she slowly looked at me.

“Don’t hurt him,” she said slowly and loudly, searching my stare. “Because he’s with me.”


I think London said it. It could’ve been Nick. I didn’t know, nor did I care.

All I cared about was her.

I took a step closer to her. A flash of steel caught the sunlight. Thunk. Barely a flicker. That’s all it was…a glint, and I lowered my gaze to stare down at the knife embedded in the ground right at the edge of my boot.

My throat turned arid at the sight as I lifted my gaze. Piercing blue eyes met mine. I’d never been a fearful man, not even when I’d looked death in the face. But the Sons, they chilled me in a way no one else had. My throat throbbed and ached, but I forced myself to focus on her.

I lifted my hand, hating how my fingers trembled as I brushed the hair from the side of her face. “I thought I’d lost you, Trouble,” I murmured.

“The fuck you are!” Came a woman’s scream.

It all happened in slow motion. Still, we were helpless to stop it as Vivienne launched herself at her sister, grabbing her arm and yanking her out of my hold.


London was wide-eyed but unmoving.

Both Carven and Colt grabbed at me again. I shoved and swung, kicking myself for not having a weapon. Not that one would’ve saved me…just maybe slowed them down, or probably pissed them off even more.

One of the two.

“Viv, stop!” Helene grabbed her as Colt wrapped the tree-trunk he had for an arm around my throat from behind me.

And London St. James moved closer.

I thrashed in the bastard’s arms as both my brothers twitched, helpless to do a damn thing other than watch.