Page 17 of Captured

“I am.” That was all I was doing, thinking…envisioning him and her.

I strode back to the armory, grabbed a set of bolt cutters from the wall, and made my way back. My arm trembled with the strain. The stitches the medic had been so fucking careful with tore. Blinding agony tore across my shoulder as the cutters carved through the steel with a snap.


The cutters and the lock hit the floor. I was already opening the door and pushing in. Shadows shifted inside.

“What’s the fuck do you want?” came a snarl from within.

I hit the light switch.

The asshole crouched in the corner threw up his arm, shielding his eyes.

It was him.

I stared at that uniform I fucking loathed and stepped closer. He was cuffed by separate ties on each hand, designed to restrict movement, but not cut off the circulation. That meant they planned on keeping him here for a while.

“Principal?” he croaked.

I stepped closer until I stood over him. “Don’t call me that.”

“Why?” he spat. “It is your title, isn’t it?” He glanced behind me. “You’re supposed to be dead.”

“And yet, here I am,” I answered, staring at the mess of his face. They’d worked him over. Nothing too bad…until I saw the way he held his foot and the neat bullet hole in the top of his boot. Maybe they’d worked him over more than I realized. “Where is she?”


I crouched down. “You know who.”

The smile was fast and sickening. “The cunt we held down and fucked?”

Rage roared through me.

He gave a shrug.

I lunged, grabbed his foot, and squeezed. His screams were chilling, deafening, bouncing off the walls of the room as I twisted.

“I will not ask twice,” I snarled.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?” came the roar from behind us.

I jerked my gaze over my shoulder to the soldier in the doorway. He strode in, but Thomas spun to step between us.

“Wait!” he ordered, holding out his hands. “Wait a fucking minute.”

My brother gave me the precious seconds few I needed. I twisted the piece of shit’s foot until I heard the shattered bones crunch and crack. “Where the fuck is she?”


I was yanked backwards and hauled to my feet, then thrown sideways. There wasn’t just one of Hunter’s men in here anymore. There were two…the asshole with the hard-on for the Daughter came closer, stabbing his finger in the center of my chest, driving me backwards with his sheer size.

“I’ll only say this once,” he snarled, those dangerous eyes glinting with promise. “Inside those goddamn walls, you might be someone, but out here…you’re no one. In fact…you're someone I’d like to put in a room of my own…you feel me?”

The cold rage inside me turned into a flicker of fear.

I was the enemy here.

The only thing that stopped that big bastard from making good on his promise was my brother. “You want me gone? Then take me to Hunter, now.”