Page 16 of Captured

He flinched at my tone.

“I’m sorry.” I dragged my fingers through my hair. “I’m just worked up, that’s all. Every second we’re here feels wasted.”

“And so is going out there without a plan,” he warned.

I winced. But it wasn’t Hale’s face I saw in my head. It was hers. Her empty goddamn stare after what those bastards had done to her. My gut tightened until it felt rock hard. I was going to need a goddamn medic alright, one I needed to heal me from the fucking ulcer I was making.

“To answer your question, no. No, I haven’t heard from Hunter.”

I jerked my gaze to his. I had no idea where he was…or what he was doing with Helene. For all I knew, he could have her chained like a goddamn animal. Or locked away…yeah, he’d have her locked away. Maybe he was even torturing her? Finding out the information he wanted.

Agony ripped across my chest as the image rose. I had to get out of here, I had to?—

I turned around and headed for the doorway. One push and the cool night air flooded through me. I sucked in the air, leaving the door to close behind me. Movement came at my side as one of the soldiers stepped near, carrying his rifle and glancing my way.

He didn’t speak, just glared at me, then kept patrolling the grounds. I shifted my gaze to the truck from The Order, the one which had tried to take her from me. I headed for the open rear door and stared into the darkness. Moonlight spilled through the doorway, illuminating a few feet. I gripped the side and climbed in.

She’d been in here.

I knew it.

Black blotches on the floor glistened slightly in the silver glow of the moon.


That’s what that was…

The guard they’d taken prisoner.

If there was anyone who knew what had happened to her, it’d be him.

I climbed out and scanned the rest of the compound. He was here; I knew it…the only question was, where? My boots crunched against the ground as I made my way across the main compound.

“Riven,” Thomas called from the corner of the building. “Where are you going?”

“Not now Thomas.”

I headed further into the compound, past the enormous garage packed with trucks, four-wheel drives, and even motorbikes. Still, my brother followed me as I slipped through an open garage door and around the vehicles.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Thomas hissed.

I ignored him and headed for a doorway leading out of there. They were keeping the guard alive. That’s all I’d found out. But the moment I’d started asking questions, they’d clammed up. Fuck them. I’d find out on my own.

I turned the handle and pushed through, stepping into some kind of hallway that led to another warehouse.

“You’re going to get us kicked out.”

I tried my best to ignore my brother and kept walking, stopping at a closed closet door and opening it. Darkness, nothing else. The scent of sweat and sex was overpowering. I closed it and kept walking to the far end and pushed through into the separate building.

It wasn’t as big as the main one. But this one was equipped as an armory. Guns, knives, and every other kind of weapon lay across the table and crowded the walls. A half-filled coffee cup sat beside a broken-down Glock. Someone was busy cleaning while guarding. I glanced around…guarding what?

“Riven,” Thomas hissed as I left the coffee and the gun behind and moved deeper into the building.

There was a closed, solid door to my left. A padlock dangled, locked. Fuck.

I spun, and slammed into my brother.

“Think about what you’re doing here,” he snarled.