There was blood on her stomach, bright and glaring. I swung around. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!”
But they just watched me warily and moved back towards the door.
“What the fuck did you inject in my babies?” Vivienne screamed, tears sliding down her cheeks as she cradled her belly.
I spun around, my lips curling and lunged for them. But they yanked open the door and were gone in an instant. Thud. The door closed behind them, leaving us alone.
“Vivienne.” I croaked and stumbled toward her, dropping to the floor at her side and stared at that bright blotch of blood on her soft white t-shirt. “Talk to me.” I pleaded, lifting my gaze to hers.
“They injected something inside me. Into my stomach.” She met my stare. “What the fuck was it?”
I shook my head, my own body stinging between my thighs as I closed them tight and reached out, gently touching her. “I don’t know.”
Tears shimmered in her eyes before she closed them and bowed her head. “My babies. Please, God, don’t let me lose my babies.”
My throat thickened instantly. I’d never wanted children, not after I’d started to delve into the sick bastards who made up The Order. I knew what they did to women, how they bred them, how they stole their babies hours after they were born.
I knew they were raised together until they were older, then they were divided. The Sons were trained to be killers and the Daughters…well, I knew first-hand what they did to them, selling them off to the men with the deepest pockets.
Men like Coulter.
Tears ran down her cheeks as my sister shuddered in agony. From the moment I’d met her, she’d been a force, earning her nickname, Wildcat. But that ferocity was long buried under pain and fear now as I sat there and watched my sister break.
Thick heavy sobs ripped from her lips. Her splayed hands roamed all over her swollen belly, searching for any sign of distress.
“I can’t feel them.” She shook her head and opened her eyes. “I can’t feel them.”
I shook my head, the tiny movements jarring. This wasn’t happening…this wasn’t.
“They took you.” She said suddenly, wrenching her head up. “They took you…what did they do? Did they? Did…they?”
Get her to the table.
Those words pushed in. But I couldn’t speak. My throat throbbed, aching and clenching, strangling anything I had to say. All I could do was breathe and clench my knees tighter and try to push away the pain.
I’m going to put a baby in your belly, Helene. Do you hear me? I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll always be full of what’s mine. Acid punched all the way through my clenched throat. I pushed away from her and stumbled to the far corner of the room.
A bitter tang spilled from my lips. My knees shook, making me slam my hand against the wall to brace myself.
“What?” Vivienne asked. “What is it?”
Tears filled my eyes. I shook my head. Still, she shoved against the wall, painstakingly heaving herself to her feet.
I lifted my head as tears slipped free.
“Tell me.”
How could I? How could I tell her the decision I’d made over a year ago when she was. WHEN SHE WAS WHAT???
“We’re sisters. You can tell me anything. There’s no judgement here. I think you know we’re well past that now.”
I swiped the back of my hand across my mouth and straightened. “Not sure about that.”
She scowled and took another step forward, grabbing my chin. “Tell. Me.”
I wanted to fight that need, knowing she was all I had. I couldn’t ruin what we had. Not now. But to lie to her, especially now, would hurt her more. So, I took a breath and started. “Before I finally met you, when I was searching for you and found out about The Order, I had a minor surgery.”