Page 123 of Captured

Her brow creased deeper. “Go on.”

“I had myself sterilized.” I said finally. “After seeing what they did, after what they were doing, there was no way I could live with myself if I brought a child into this world. Not knowing there were men like Hale and Coulter out there.”

She paled in front of me, instantly turning a shade of gray. But then she straightened her spine. “I get it. Seriously, I do. It was the one thing that broke me when I found out the news myself. The one thing—” her voice broke. “The one thing London promised to protect us from.”

Her hand went to her belly.

That was bloody and still.

Footsteps thudded outside the door. The click of a lock came before it swung inwards and in stepped our private tormentor, Coulter. Only this time he brought his men with him. Men whose gazes were fixed on me the moment they stepped into the room. Three went to the right, while one lingered beside the bastard.

I took a step, moving in front of Vivienne as Coulter glanced at the spill of acid and spittle left on the floor. But he didn’t wince or look disgusted. In fact, his eyes glistened with hunger.

“Lights.” He commanded.

In a heartbeat, the room darkened.

He stepped forward, making Vivienne whimper and move back. But I forced myself not to move, to protect her. My breaths were panicked. My pulse boomed in my ears. He looked behind me to Vivienne, then to her belly. “You’ll take some time and that’s okay. That, we have plenty of.” Then he swung that chilling stare to me. “I have your sister to start with.”


Flashes of blinding lights filled the room, then came the music, booming so loud it made Vivienne scream and shove backwards until she hit the wall. She slammed her hands over her ears, but it was the neon white words that splashed across the walls in this secure room that drew my gaze.






I rocked backwards on my heels. My pulse raced as I stared at those words. Movement came from the corner of my eye. I knew it was Coulter, but I couldn’t look away, hypnotized by the words as they changed.




“Take off your clothes.” Coulter murmured in my ear.

No. No fucking way. Get the fuck away from me. GET THE FUCK?—

But my hand rose on its own, my finger sliding under the strap of my lingerie. OBEY. OBEY. OBEY. Cold air licked the tight peak of my nipple as I dragged my top down.

Tight lips curled even higher as Coulter turned to his men. “See, no fighting now.”

Only I was fighting. He just couldn’t see it. Images slammed into me as I stared at those hypnotizing words. Only it wasn’t the images he wanted. It was me…

Me running through the halls of The Order with C4 in my hand.

Me fighting, driving my fist into one of the guard’s faces as he came around the corner to find me.

Me blowing out the side wall.

I’ve got you! The words resounded in my head, pulled from the moment I’d carried my father out of that place and was forced to leave my sisters behind. Sisters I’d searched for. Sister’s I’d killed for.