Page 65 of Captured

That clenched fist in my chest kept tightening and tightening and tightening.

I’d seen the back of the truck, glimpsed it before the large gate swung shut behind it. They were in there somewhere…but where…and who the fuck were these people? I swung my gaze back as the rich old fucks and their trophy wives with plastered-on smiles hanging on their arms headed inside.

I couldn’t grab one.

Not exposed like this.

But I would if I could. I’d snap the old fuck’s neck faster than he could blink if it meant it’d get me inside those walls. Only it wouldn’t. That I knew.

“Hey, you got a cigarette?”

I straightened from where I stood under the tree and turned to watch one of the young wait staff heading my way. “Excuse me?”

He froze, turning pale as he glanced at Thomas. “Oh, fuck. Sorry, you’re not one of them, are you?”

He glanced toward the house and the party.

Adrenaline hit me like a blow. “No.” I shook my head and stepped out from the shadows. “No, I’m not one of them.”

His shoulders relaxed. “Oh, thank fuck. For a minute there I thought I just lost my job. We aren’t allowed to talk to them.” He glanced their way again. “You know, the rich old fucks.”

I couldn’t help but smile, a little anyway. “No, I guess not.”

“I need this job man. I got bills up to my fucking neck, if you know what I mean. Anyway.” He shifted from one foot to the other and finally saw Thomas as he stepped out from behind me. Then he paled. “Oh, fuck. Sorry, Father. I mean. Jesus, I’m sorry” he stuttered and winced.

I jerked my gaze toward my brother. “Lose the fucking collar, Thomas.”

He glanced from the kid to me and then nodded, working the buttons until he tugged the collar free.

“It’s okay. It’s his day off,” I explained, wincing as I turned back to the kid. His day off? Fucking idiot.

“Oh,” the kid said carefully. “That’s okay then.”

“But no,” I said, taking a step toward him. “To answer your question. I don’t have a cigarette. What I do have is a brother who’s not well. Are you, Thom?” I swung back to him, meeting his stare.

He scowled, then finally caught on. “Yeah,” he said slowly. “I think I ate something that doesn’t agree with me.”

“Probably those fucking fish eggs.” The kid winced and nodded. “Those things look rank.”

“Yes.” I stepped closer. “He’s supposed to be here to help with the speech. We came out here for him to have some fresh air, but I don’t want him walking back through the front, you know in case he?—”

“Chucks everywhere?” The kid turned pale.

I gave a nod, looked over my shoulder, and scowled.

Thomas moaned the most pathetic moan I’d ever heard and gripped his stomach, but he must’ve been convincing enough.

“I can let him in through the side entrance. It’s for the staff, but being a priest and all…I’m sure they won’t?—”

I swung my arm back and reached behind me, grabbing my brother’s shirt. “Thank you,” I gushed as I pulled my brother forward, desperate to get inside. “Thank you very much.”

It was one of the few damn times my brother’s so-called calling actually fucking helped us. The kid stepped backwards, glancing from me to Thomas. “Oh, okay, sure.”

We didn’t give him another second to think about it, just ushered him back along the side of the mansion where he’d come from. The sounds of the party grew louder the closer we got. I yanked Thomas forward even harder, lengthening my stride, until the kid pressed his card against the digital lock scanner and the damn thing gave a beep before it opened.

We were inside in a heartbeat, nodding at the kid as he held open the door, then we left him behind. We made our way deeper inside, stepping out of the hallway that led to the back area of the house to where the party was in full swing.

I stepped to the side, leaving room for the waiters to pass carrying empty silver platters piled chest high on cupped hands. But I wasn’t there for the champagne, nor was I there for the canapés. I stepped further into the house, nearing the expansive ballroom packed with the filthy fucking rich.