The Daughters started crying and wailing.
Tobias shot at the glass.
“NO!” I screamed and lunged for Helene, grabbing her as the bullet hit the glass and ricocheted. Someone screamed. A piercing, sickening wail. I spun, searching the bodies through the white mist and caught the sickening look of shock from his brother, Nick.
“Ryth?” Tobias stumbled forward. “RYTH!”
Helene took a step, pulling out of my arms.
“Baby, no,” I slurred as the room started to tilt.
Screams followed.
Screams and under that…
“Nightieeee niiiiiiggggghhhhhttt, Prinnnnncipppppaaaaal.” That’s bitch’s warped words, invaded as my knees buckled and I hit the sleek, gleaming floor.
I tried to reach for Helene as she crawled for her sister, but she never made it, almost reaching her as she plunged to the floor.
Bodies dropped all around me.
I tried to hold on, unable to do anything but suck in that bitter air, drawing it deeper into me.
Get to her. I dragged myself forward, using the last strength I had left.
I reached out, grasped her bare ankle, and dragged myself forward another tiny bit.
Hunter slumped to the floor against the glass wall. My eyes watered, blurring my vision even more. Still, all I saw was her.
“Helene,” I croaked, sliding myself against her, one hand over her back as I plunged into the dark, that last neon white word blazing in my mind.
“Kane!” Thomas hissed for the third time in as many minutes.
Still, I ignored him, scanning those wearing expensive tuxedos and exquisite dresses as the well-connected climbed out of their Bentleys and made their way to the front of the house and I tried to find a way inside.
Only, there wasn’t one. Not one I saw, anyway.