“I don’t want you to forgive me,” he murmured, his tone biting. “You could never give it to me and I will not ask for it. Not from any of you.”
It was me he looked at.
“All I ask is that you put aside any hate you have for me and give me a chance. Just one chance. Please…” his throat thickened until the words were a rasp. “I’m begging you.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” London spat and looked away.
There was disgust in London’s stare underneath the pity.
“We all want the same things.”
I flinched and jerked my gaze to Hunter as he spoke. Somehow, the rest of my family listened. The gruff voice was used to commands, but I could see he tempered that now.
“We are here for one reason and one reason alone. We want to destroy The Order and every man or woman involved. We also want to do it by protecting each other. We can do that…if we work together.”
“You want us to work with you?” Tobias stepped closer, moving like a damn street fighter.
But Hunter never flinched as T came up and stopped in front of him. Tobias was shorter, by a lot. But experience told me he was hotheaded and dangerous.
“Yes.” Hunter met his stare and answered carefully.
“And why the fuck should we trust a man who won’t even show his face?”
“Because I know of a way to get to them,” he answered, and slowly lifted his gaze. “Which is more than any of you have put together.”
The mountain had pricked London’s attention.
“But we only have a limited time. I have a plan. It might just work. If nothing else, it’ll get us in the door.”
“In the door where?” London demanded.
But Hunter didn’t answer. “Before I tell you anything I have to have your word. All of you.”
“Fuck that,” Carven muttered. “I say we take the information for ourselves and we hunt them down.”
Riven flinched as he looked at the son. He opened his mouth to say something…but in the end, he closed it again.
“You want us to trust you,” London started. “And yet you give us nothing?”
London shook his head. “We don’t even know you. Why the fuck would you expect us to put our lives in your hands?”
Hunter just turned his focus to me. “Because this is our last opportunity. After this, the black ops site disappears and takes Hale with it. If it was just his death I cared about, I wouldn’t be standing here asking you this. But it’s not. There are new players in town. Men like Julius Harmon and his foul fucking commander Coulter.”
I stiffened at the name. My knees trembled so hard I could barely keep it together.
Riven’s gaze whipped my way.
But he wasn’t the only one. Kane surged forward, then Thomas followed.
“It’s okay.” Riven gripped my chin and turned my focus to him. “Look at me. I will kill that man before he is anywhere near you, do you hear me? You’re safe now. You’re safe.”
There were no hugs, no gestures of comfort.
Only the promise to wipe that man from the face of the earth.
That’s all I needed.