“You good?”
I gave a slow nod, then slowly became aware they all stared at us.
“Harmon and his men are in charge of splintering The Order,” Hunter continued. “They’ll divide and go underground, maybe we’re already too late to stop that from happening, I don’t know. But I do know this. They want their last shipment of Daughters…and they want it bad.”
“Last shipment?” Carven snarled. “You want us to deliver them to those fucking bastards?”
“Yes,” Hunter answered. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“How?” London was the one who asked the question that shone in everyone’s eyes.
“Simple.” Hunter strode forward, heading for the Hummer he’d brought me in.
He rounded the back, yanked open the door, and returned instantly, his arms full of khaki green.
The uniforms hit the ground with a thud, skull masks bouncing as they settled on top.
“We use the guard we kept alive. Make him give up the location and we give them what they want…a truck full of women…and us.”
London and the others stared at the pile. It was Tobias that strode forward, picked up a gruesome mask and dropped it. “Why us? You have a whole team, right? You had to have to pull any of this off. So why invite us here? Why not do it yourself and be done?”
“Because this doesn’t belong to them. This belongs to us. Our blood is what ties us to this. Our family. Our souls. You will never sleep a full night’s rest again. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder, wondering not if but when they’re coming to take what’s yours once more. You want that? You want a life without knowing?”
“London,” Vivienne hissed.
Her hands were around her belly and her eyes shimmered with tears.
He moved instantly, grabbing her around her waist as the Sons watched with ruthless desperation.
“Tell me what to do,” London answered, staring at her, then turned to Hunter. “And I’ll do it. Whatever it takes, this ends…and it ends now.”
It ends now.
Those words hung heavy in the air, weighed down by the desperation we all felt to finish this once and for all. But still, my family never looked at me…no, they never looked at us.
Riven shifted against me. The warmth of his body brushed against my arm as Tobias lifted a mask in the air and stared at the gruesome white skull.
“We have the truck,” Hunter continued, his gaze fixed on that mask. Somehow, I knew he was aware of every move of Riven against me. He scowled as he spoke. “And we have the Daughters. All those men care about is their ‘assets’. We rock up with them in the back and they’ll throw open the gates and let us through.”
“With a truck full of bullet holes?” Riven muttered beside me.
Hunter never even glanced at his brother, but I heard the bite. “Which is being repaired as we speak. All it needs to do is get us through those gates.”
“Seems risky,” Caleb declared, glancing at London.
But London’s dark eyes glinted. I knew that look…I’d seen it before. That ruthless hunger. That mindless rage. “It’ll work.” He said and slowly looked at Viv. “They want the Daughters, so the last thing they’ll be looking at is the truck.”
“And how are we supposed to account for the fact that they’ve been missing for the last…what, twenty-four hours?” Carven snarled.
“All taken care of.” Hunter met the Son’s stare. “We’ve mirrored their tracking signal, moving them around to a point where just two hours ago, they dropped out completely. When the guard we have calls, they’ll be so frantic to get them into the compound, they won’t care.”
“And this compound is where Hale is?” London asked.
But it was Riven who answered. “No. This is where Julius Harmon and his men are located.”